
Which zodiac signs are psychopaths?

Which zodiac signs are psychopaths?

Here are the most psychopathic zodiac signs and what kind of psychopath they would be.

  1. Aries: The Risk-Taker Psychopath.
  2. Taurus: The Thief Psychopath.
  3. Gemini: The Liar Psychopath.
  4. Cancer: The Soulmate Psychopath.
  5. Leo: The Social Climber Psychopath.
  6. Virgo: The Academic Psychopath.
  7. Libra: The Saint Psychopath.

Which zodiac signs are serial killers?

The study found that water signs Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces are the deadliest element with the highest number of both killers and victims: 28 percent and 27 percent, respectively. According to the study, Scorpio, Cancer, Sagittarius and Pisces have had the most serial killers with 46 each.

What zodiac signs are most serial killers?

“Of the 485 serial murderers included in our analysis, Cancers, Pisces, Scorpio, and Sagittarius dominated the list,” the study’s key findings said.

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Are Leos psychopaths?

LEO has the potential to be an emotional psychopath. Leos are spectacular individuals and are happiest when they’re front and center. Like emotional psychopaths, Leos crave attention but aren’t as generous in giving it.

Which month are most serial killers born?

Welcome to November, the month when, according to some studies, serial killers and mass murderers are most likely to be born.

Are Scorpios dark?

For every seemingly negative trait, Scorpios have a positive attribute and they can channel their “darker” qualities into strength, loyalty, and honesty. Although they are known to be the darkest sign of the zodiac, Scorpios are also considered one of the sexiest signs. Do you think that’s true?

Which Zodiacs are good leaders?

These zodiac signs are natural-born leaders — Aries, Leo, Capricorn, and Aquarius — and it’s mainly due to them being fearlessly and unapologetically themselves. Everyone has to put their foot down every now and then, whether they want to.