
Who is the most powerful being in all of comics?

Who is the most powerful being in all of comics?

Hercules Over 3000 years old, Hercules, the son of Zeus, is considered the physically strongest character in the entire Marvel universe. He is stronger than both Thor and Hulk, and once pulled the entire island of Manhattan which weighed 99,000,000,000 tons.

Who is the most powerful telepaths in comics?

15 Most Powerful Telepaths In Marvel Comics

  • 8 Moondragon.
  • 7 Jean Grey.
  • 6 Legion.
  • 5 Cable and Stryfe.
  • 4 Nate Grey.
  • 3 Franklin Richards.
  • 2 Shadow King.
  • 1 Charles Xavier.

What is the most powerful thing in the Omniverse?

These explosions generate beams of high-energy radiation, called gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which are considered by astronomers to be the most powerful thing in the universe.

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Who is the strongest character in all fiction?

Most powerful fictional characters!

  1. One Above All. He is the Marvel version of God, and the reason he takes the number 2 spot above others is due to the fact that he is actually Stan Lee, a real life being unlike the others.
  2. The Presence.
  3. Man of Miracles.
  4. Living Tribunal.
  5. Beyonder.
  6. Scathan the Approver.
  7. Spectre.
  8. Eternity.

Who has the most powerful brain in Marvel?

1. Charles Xavier. Professor Charles Francis Xavier, better known as Professor X, is one of the most powerful psychics in the entire Marvel Universe. He possesses genius-level intellect, has ESP, telepathy, and mental manipulation abilities.

What is the most powerful black hole?

Cygnus X-1 is the heaviest stellar black hole observed without using gravitational waves. The famed Cygnus X-1 black hole (illustrated, slurping mass off its companion star) is nearly 1.5 times as massive as astronomers thought, new observations suggest.

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What is the most powerful thing known to man?

In physics, power is defined as energy per unit time. Using that definition, the most powerful thing we know of is a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB). A GRB emits about 10^53 ergs of energy or more in less than a minute or even just a few seconds.