
Who was more powerful between Arjun and Karna?

Who was more powerful between Arjun and Karna?

Karna was more powerful than Arjuna.

Did Karna participate in Mahabharat?

Karna joined the Duryodhana’s side in the Kurukshetra war. He was a key warrior who aimed to kill 3rd Pandava Arjuna but dies in a battle with him during the war. He is a tragic hero in the Mahabharata, in a manner similar to Aristotle’s literary category of “flawed good man”.

At what age Karna fought Mahabharat?

Pandavas will be 55 to 65 and karna somewhere near 75.

How old was Bhishma during Mahabharata war?

Originally Answered: What could be the age of Bhishma during Kurukshetra war? At the time of Bhishma’s death, he is 148 years old.

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Is Karna the real hero of Mahabharata?

Karna-the Real Hero of Mahabharata, the World’s Greatest Epic From India (Part I) Karna is the most tragic character in the great Hindu epic Mahabharata. From his birth onwards he faced the cruel fate. His life is a tragic episode of the epic.

What was the age of Karna when he died?

Karna was of age 107 years when he died on 17th day of Mahabharata War (BCE 3138). Karna was 16 years elder to Yuddhisthira.

When did Bhishma know about Karna?

But when he came to know this secret is not said any where. When Karna gate crashed Rangabhoomi Kunthi faints fearing her both sons would fight , Bhishma with superior intelligence might have sensed it and had enquired and conclusions made. So Bhishma knew it when Karna was made Angaraja.

Did Karna exist?

Lord Krishna had praised Karna on several occasions. In the middle of the war, Krishna even told Arjuna that Karna was indeed a real warrior, and far better than him.

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Did Bhishma attain Moksha with the path of dhyana?

According to Gita, BG 8.5 – “those who die thinking of only ‘Me’, attain ‘My’ nature”. Hence Bhishma also attained Moksha with the path of DhyAna:

What happened when Bhishma became silent?

When Bhishma became silent, those utterers of Brahma (that sat around him), with voices choked in tears, adored that high-souled chief of the Kurus in excellent words. Also refer this answer, which explains on how Bhishma waited till the right fortnight to attain Moksha. Karna’s death: Karna was part of Sun in form of mortal body.

Will Karna also get moksha?

Hence when the Sun (or Surya deva) gets Moksha, Karna will also get Moksha. There are multiple examples of amalgamation and redistribution of consciousness from 1 to many bodies and many bodies to 1, which I tried to discuss in this post – Is there a possibility of GRADUAL conversion of “Purusha” to “Jeeva-s” and similar gradual return?:

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What is the significance of Bhishma’s liberation of Krishna?

In fact, all human beings were unconscious of the fact that the preceptor attained to the supreme region of Brahman, a region mysterious to the very gods, and one that is the highest of all. Bhishma’s liberation: Before leaving his own wounded body with arrows, Bhishma praised Krishna with full devotion.