
Who would have been able to singlehandedly defeat Darth Sidious at the peak of his strength?

Who would have been able to singlehandedly defeat Darth Sidious at the peak of his strength?

Anakin Skywalker in his redeemed state in Return of the Jedi was the only person we’ve seen to utterly dominate and defeat Sidious beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Why did Emperor Palpatine stop using a lightsaber?

It’s never stated in the new Disney “canon” why Sidious eventually forgoed utilizing a lightsaber. However, in the Expanded Universe it is explained that he grew to disdain lightsaber combat, believing that the Sith Order had outgrown the ancient and outdated style of actual physical combat.

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Why didn’t Palpatine use a lightsaber in Return of the Jedi?

Sidious himself felt that he and his peers had outgrown the use of lightsabers, and only continued carrying them to mock the Jedi. He ultimately viewed his own lightsabers as little more than an affectation, and rarely wielded them in combat.

How good was Darth Vader with a lightsaber?

He lived and breathed lightsaber combat, his knowledge of all forms including his mastery of djem so are ridiculously amazing. In lords of the sith, Vader was so fast that he can actually speed blitz, so he should be able to match sidious speed wise.

How many lightsabers did Anakin go through?

Which Jedi Lost Their Lightsaber the Most? When tallying up the lightsaber losses, Obi-Wan Kenobi lost his blade a total of 12 times between the events in the prequel films and The Clone Wars. In contrast, Anakin lost his only eight times.

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Can Vader Block Force Lightning?

In addition, Darth Vader had learned to block blaster bolts with his hands, though he could not produce Force lightning due to his cybernetic limbs. Luke Skywalker, when Darth Sidious tortured him with Force lightning aboard the second Death Star during the Battle of Endor, defended himself with this ability.

Why do Sith use double-bladed lightsabers more than Jedi?

That advantage came in handy the two times she faced Darth Vader’s secret apprentice Starkiller in battle. Sith appear to be more fond of double-bladed lightsabers than the Jedi do. It might explain why Darth Maul’s brother Savage Oppress also wields the same distinctive weapon.

Why did the Jedi not use saberstaffs?

However, the Jedi Council traditionally frowned on the use of saberstaffs, believing a traditional lightsaber was enough, and considering the double-bladed lightsaber little more than a weapon designed to kill more effectively, while the Jedi developed the lightsaber to defend.

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What is lightsaber combat in Star Wars?

Lightsaber combat referred to several schools of martial arts specialized in, though not limited to, fighting with a lightsaber. Such fighting forms were required to compensate for or take advantage of the unique attributes of lightsabers, notably the odd balance of the weapon, all of the weight being in the hilt,…

What happened to Darth Vader’s lightsaber?

Vader subsequently lost his weapon as a result of his defeat by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who kept the Skywalker lightsaber for almost two decades during the Imperial Era. Kenobi ultimately gave the lightsaber to Anakin’s son, Luke Skywalker, who wielded it while training as a Jedi apprentice.