
Who would win in a fight between Thanos and Darksied?

Who would win in a fight between Thanos and Darksied?

Thanos is indeed formidable and without their universe ending weapons, the two would naturally have an incredible battle. Eventually, though, Darksied’s pure strength, infinite resources, auto-win Omega beams and a vast amount of battle experience would give him the ultimate edge. Simply put, Darkseid wins because Darkseid is.

Can Darkseid or Thanos take down the Avengers?

One is the Mad Titan, capable of taking down the Avengers with relative ease, the other is the Lord of Apokolips, sitting at the absolute mountaintop of DC villains. Darkseid and Thanos stand as the ultimate villains of their respective universes, and for good reason. At their peaks, both would have the universe in the palm of their hands.

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Can You Survive Darkseid’s Omega Beam?

Most can not survive a blast from his Omega Beam; even Superman, the peak of all superheroes DC or Marvel, is brought to near-death by it. Darkseid brings fear to the entire DC Universe, heroes and villains alike tremble at the mere mention of the Apokoliptic Ruler, and for good reason.

What powers does Thanos have?

Thanos, when he has assembled all the Infinity Stones, has the power to virtually do anything he wishes (in the comics, traditionally to woo Death). Darkseid also has a universe bending weapon of his own. When equipped with the Anti-Life Equation, reality itself kneels before Darkseid.

Is Thanos a copy of Darkseid?

In fact, Thanos is a copy of Darkseid. Darkseid makes Thanos look like a preschool bully, because Darkseid is more evil than Thanos. He is literally the God of Evil, and has done countless evil things that would make even Thanos afraid.

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What is Thanos weakness in the comics?

Thanos has a weakness, and that weakness is Darkseid. The dark side of Thanos The thing that makes Thanos such an interesting character is that he has a massive flaw: his own self-destructive nature. Consciously or not, he doubts himself and his worthiness, and sets himself up for failure.

How did Thanos defeat Shaktimaan?

Thanos used his speed and strength to attack Shaktimaan but he avoided it using his ability to teleport. Shaktimaan used his skte and circled him while punching him. Thanos was baffled. Shaktimaan started shooting Thanos from fire balls and used his skill of telepathy to confuse Thanos and defeating him.