
Who would win in their prime Anakin or Luke?

Who would win in their prime Anakin or Luke?

It would probably end in defeat for Luke every time. Anakin has just had more training and experience, and he’s arguably stronger in the Force. Although Luke does defeat his father in that battle aboard the second Death Star in Episode VI, he was battling with a lessened Darth Vader.

Can Luke Skywalker beat Count Dooku?

Dooku on the other hand had access to the best lightsaber wielders in the galaxy and was regarded as a master of form 2 lightsaber combat. Luke was a skilled fighter but Dooku was a master. Dooku wins 99/100 times (the 1 being a lucky shot by Luke).

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Is Luke as powerful as Anakin?

Potentially Anakin twice as powerful as Luke in the force. RotS Anakin is maybe, maybe, only better in physicals than Grandmaster Luke but not in lightsaber combat nor the force. Both in EU and in Canon, Luke is MUCH stronger, if you compare them at the height of their powers.

What is Qui-Gon’s Midichlorian count?

Analyzing the boy’s blood sample, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan learn he has a midi-chlorian count of more than 20,000, which is higher than even Yoda’s. Since 20,000 is a pretty big number and we already know that Yoda is a powerful Jedi from previous films, the audience can intuit that Anakin is one Force-sensitive tyke.

How strong were Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker?

Anakin and Luke Skywalker were both in very good shape. They were athletically built and had great agility, speed and strength. Anakin was able to be one of 20 Jedi who survived the arena battle on Geonosis and endured the entire duel against Assaij Ventress on Yavin IV.

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What happened in the duel between Obi Wan and Darth Vader?

―Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader — Listen (file info) The Duel on Mustafar was a confrontation where the recently apprenticed Sith Lord Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker, fought his former best friend, and Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the planet Mustafar in the Outer Rim.

What happened in the duel on Mustafar?

The Duel on Mustafar was a confrontation where Anakin Skywalker, now the recently apprenticed Sith Lord, Darth Vader, fought his former Jedi Master and best friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the planet Mustafar in the Outer Rim.

How long did it take George Lucas to make the duel?

The duel itself first appeared on-screen in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith as the final battle. By then, it had already become a highly anticipated event in Star Wars fandom. The duel took George Lucas nearly two weeks to complete, and only took up half of a page.