
Why am I getting texts from people trying to buy my house?

Why am I getting texts from people trying to buy my house?

The messages often have your name, address, and some say they’ve even passed by your home. The sender wants to know if you’re willing to sell your home. It could be worth your time to explore if you’re looking to sell or in a bind with your mortgage, but as with anything, there are red flags to look out for.

How does a spam text know my name?

Spammers often release information-gathering programs called “bots” to collect the names and e-mail addresses of people who post to specific newsgroups. Bots can get this information from both recent and old posts.

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What do you do when an unknown number texts you?

Unless the texts are threatening you or anyone you know, you can just block their number. Any phone should have the ability to do this. If you are being threatened, you should contact the authorities. Unless you know the person, just ignore it or block the sms or call through apps.

What happens if you open an unknown text message?

Merely opening the message wouldn’t do any harm, but if you click on those suspicious links, you might be redirected to some untrustworthy webpages or sites. Some texts messages might also contain links that can trigger the download of an unwanted app.

Can you get hacked by answering a text message?

Android phones can get infected by merely receiving a picture via text message, according to research published Monday. The problem stems from the way Android phones analyze incoming text messages. …

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Are the people that send out text messages to investors legit?

Not all of the people that send out those texts are legitimate, just like not all of them that send them are ill legitimate. With the market being so hot, and the rise of the “house flipping” shows there are new investors that are popping up and getting into the game everyday.

Why do investors keep calling me about selling my house?

But until the real estate market cools down, investors will keep calling you if you match the profile of someone they think might be willing to sell. There’s very little you can do about the junk mail except recycle it. You’ll learn to recognize its hallmarks pretty quickly so you don’t have to waste time opening it.

How can you tell if an investor is scamming you?

If they are out there scamming people or aren’t legit, someone, somewhere along the line would have complained. The other thing you want to make sure you look out for is the investors closing time frame. Unless requested by the seller I usually like to close on my houses within 7-10 days.

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How do they know your name and phone number?

If you’ve ever had a lien put on your home then your property would show up on a list. Especially tax delinquencies. The counties sell the lists and those lists include all of your information. That’s how they know your name and phone number.
