
Why are some Harry Potter films 12?

Why are some Harry Potter films 12?

The film maintains its PG-13 and PG-12 ratings for the US and UK cinemas, respectively. This may be due to the scenes in the Ministry of Magic where Sirius Black dies and the Death Eaters try to harm Harry and his friends.

Why do I like Harry Potter so much?

Harry Potter is a very fun series. It has a sense of novelty and is very pleasant to read. The Wizarding World seems like a real place, with its own newspapers, radio channels, sports, schools, transportation systems, places and people with colourful personalities and eccentricities.

How does Harry Potter make you feel?

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As an adult reading the series for the first time in my life I can say that these books feel very… homely and comfortable. The Harry Potter Universe feels like one that I would love to live in and all of the names for the foods and the quaint little places and characters just make me feel so warm and cozy.

Can 4 year olds watch Harry Potter?

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone is fine for young children. Once you get to book 4 The Goblet of Fire, four would be too young for it. With the films, I would say number 3 is a bit too scary for a 4 y/o.

Why Harry Potter has a scar?

Scarring. Harry’s scar on his forehead as a baby A scar on Harry Potter’s forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt was the result of a failed murder attempt by Lord Voldemort on 31 October 1981, when he struck 15-month-old Harry with the Killing Curse.

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What have we learned from Harry Potter?

Ultimate power must be used with caution. If there’s anything we’ve learned from Harry Potter, it’s that power is a great and terrible thing. When it’s used for good, power has the ability to change the world for the better. When it’s used for evil though, power has the ability to destroy it.

Do the Harry Potter movies line up with the books?

The Harry Potter films take place in the 2000’s The books and films take place from 1991-1998 and between 2001-2008, respectively, though it’s easy to get confused, considering the final book was released in 2007 and the final film in 2011.

Why do we love Harry Potter?

The tale has shaped a generation If you’re in your teens, you’ve never known a world without Harry Potter. Millennial lives have been enriched by this humble tale. It’s no secret that our generation love a nostalgic throwback and for many the story of the boy who lived is the ultimate childhood pillar.

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What makes JK Rowling’s Harry Potter special?

It’s Rowling’s ability to shape and invent a wizarding parallel for even the most mundane of tasks (going to the bank, a wizard high street, the night bus) that contributes to the overall magnificence. It’s also the unknown. There are things we are yet to find out, but that’s what Pottermore is for, right?

Are there any crossovers in the Harry Potter series?

There are subtle crossovers and references to muggle marvels throughout the books that help it seem somehow in reach and therefore all the more believable. One of our favourite historical crossovers is the Malfoy family and the quest for the British throne.