
Why are you allowed to like your own post?

Why are you allowed to like your own post?

Most social networks want to encourage, not discourage posting. So users who are excited about posting something may want to express that excitement further by liking their own post. Saying “no” to that creates unnecessary friction for users. It doesn’t hurt the platform.

Can I like my own Facebook post?

While some people reacted in pure disgust at the very thought of someone liking their own post, others say it’s perfectly acceptable. What do you think? The consensus around here is that it’s unnecessary; obviously you “like” what you posted or else you wouldn’t have posted it in the first place.

Why is liking your own post bad?

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Liking your own post is seen as redundant, unnecessary, and self-congratulatory. You basically post so that other people see it and react. So whenever you react to your own posts, it looks like you are only doing the job of performer and audience at the same time.

How do I stop the public from liking my posts on Facebook?

To adjust who can like or comment on your public profile information:

  1. In the top left of Facebook, tap your profile picture.
  2. Scroll down and tap Settings.
  3. Scroll down to Audience and Visibility, then tap Followers and Public Content.
  4. Go to Who Can Follow Me and make sure Public is selected.

Is it OK to like your own post?

Although when you like your own post on social media, it’s like patting your own beck. It’s implicit to say, when you share something, you’ve already liked it and that’s why you wanted to share it at first place. So, it’s ok if you like your own content, but it’ll be better if you don’t.

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What type of person likes their own post?

Personality Traits and Status Updates Even the response to statuses that users received from friends was correlated with one particular personality trait: narcissists tended to receive more likes and comments on their own Facebook posts, compared to those with lower narcissism scores.

Why am I so anxious to post on social media?

Some aspects of communication are distinctive online, and this might increase social anxiety. One such aspect is the culture of shares and ‘Likes’. When you post something and wait to see how many hearts or thumbs-up it receives, it can feel as though a specific number is being placed on your popularity or worth.

Can Facebook friends see what you like?

Your friends can see ALL the photos you’ve liked on Facebook — whether you like it or not. It’s official. Facebook is the ultimate place to go if you want to be embarrassed. Anyone and everyone on your friend list can peruse through all the photos you’ve ever liked on Facebook.

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How do I change the privacy of my likes on Facebook?

Log in to Facebook.com, go to your profile, and select More > Likes. Click the three-dot menu and select Edit the Privacy of Your Likes. Select a Page Category. In the Select Audience box, choose the level of privacy you want for the category’s like visibility.

Is it okay to like your own post?

It is never acceptable to like your own ‘gram. The simple act of posting the picture to Instagram indicates that you do, in fact, like it. Adding a like is obvious and sad.

What Facebook says about your personality?

Traits such as extraversion and self-esteem affect status topics and post popularity on the social network, according a recent study. Your favorite subjects for Facebook status updates reveal more about your personality than may intend, according to psychologists.