
Why did Ataturk change the script?

Why did Ataturk change the script?

A move away from the Arabic script was strongly opposed by conservative and religious elements. It was argued that Romanization of the script would detach Turkey from the wider Islamic world, substituting a foreign (European) concept of national identity for the confessional community.

Why does Turkish not use Arabic script?

Originally Answered: Why does the Turkish language use the Latin alphabet instead of Arabic alphabet? The Turkish language uses the Latin script instead of the Perso-Arabic script because of the language reform of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in the 1920s.

Did Ottoman sultans speak Arabic?

Educated Ottoman Turks spoke Arabic and Persian, as these were the main non-Turkish languages in the pre-Tanzimat era. In the last two centuries, French and English emerged as popular languages, especially among the Christian Levantine communities….Languages of the Ottoman Empire.

Languages of Ottoman Empire
Significant Arabic, Persian

What languages did Kemal Ataturk speak?

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk/Languages

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Why was Ataturk important to Turkish history?

Atatürk was a military genius, a charismatic leader, also a comprehensive reformer in his life. It was important at the time for the Republic of Turkey to be modernized in order to progress towards the level of contemporary civilizations and to be an active member of the culturally developed communities.

Why does Turkish use the Latin alphabet?

Turkish today uses the Latin one due to the language reformation launched by Mustafa Kemal to replace the previously used Ottoman Turkish alphabet and to replace the Persian and Arabic words with either new Turkish ones or the archaic ones.

Why did the Ottoman Empire switch from Arabic to Latin script?

The introduction of the telegraph and printing press in the 19th century exposed further weaknesses in the Arabic script. Use of the Latin script was actually proposed in the Ottoman Empire before, in 1862 during the Tanzimat reforms. It just couldn’t be managed at the time.

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How has the Turkish language changed over the years?

After the alphabet reform in the 20s, the language was also radically changed in the 30s by eliminating many Arabic and Persian words and replacing them with Turkish words, invented words made to look like ‘real Turkish’ or words from European languages (French usually).