
Why did the F4 Phantom not have a gun?

Why did the F4 Phantom not have a gun?

At the time the F4 phantom was put into service it was thought that low speed close in dogfighting was basically obsolete. Pretty much all kills would be made with heat seeking or radar guided air to air missiles from miles away. Therefore the original F4 design never had a machine gun type weapon.

Did the F-4 have guns?

Early F-4’s had no fixed gun, but this was corrected after combat experience in Vietnam showed the need for one. Over 5000 were built, making the F-4 one of the most numerous modern combat aircraft. Many are still in service. Now and then, plans are announced to upgrade the F-4 with new engines and electronics.

Does the US still use the F-4?

The F-4 entered service in 1960, flying for the U.S. Navy. After studying its potential for close air support, interdiction, and counter-air operations, the Air Force added the F-4 to its fleet in 1963. In 1996 the aircraft was retired from the U.S. fleet.

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How high can an F-4 fly?

Technical Specifications

First flight May 27, 1958 (prototype YF4H-1)
Length 58 feet 3 inches
Height 16 feet 6 inches
Ceiling 56,100 feet
Range 1,750 miles

Did Germany use the f4 Phantom?

On June 29 Germany became the latest—but by no means the last—country to retire its McDonnell-Douglas F-4F Phantom II fighter-bombers, after 41 years of service. Of the 263 Phantoms used by the Luftwaffe, two-thirds served in the ground support role and one-third in reconnaissance.

What generation fighter is the f4 Phantom?

Gen 3
The F-4 Phantom was a late Gen 3 fighter, and perhaps iconic of the group. Gen 4. These fighters debuted in the mid-1970s and are still tops in most of the world. This group includes USAF’s F-15 and F-16 and Russia’s Su-27 and MiG-29 (and offshoots).

Did ww2 bombers have guns?

In World War II, fighter aircraft carried machine guns and cannons mounted in the wings, engine cowlings, nose, or between the banks of the engine, firing through the propeller spinner. Night fighters sometimes utilized guns firing upwards as well.

Did the f4 Phantom have flares?

Yes, the F-4 carried the AN/ALE 29 chaff/flare dispenser. It consisted two dispensers, a chaff programmer and a cockpit control unit. Each dispenser of the ALE-29A carried 30 RR-129/RR-144 chaff cartridges or 30 MK46/47 IR decoy flares.

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Do any countries still fly the F-4 Phantom?

As of 2021, 63 years after its first flight, the F-4 remains in active service with the air forces of Iran, South Korea, Greece and Turkey.

How many DC 4s are still flying?

Very few DC-4s remain in service today. The last two passenger DC-4s operating worldwide are based in Johannesburg, South Africa. They fly with old South African Airways (SAA) livery.

Who still uses f4 Phantoms?

As of 2021, 63 years after its first flight, the F-4 remains in active service with the air forces of Iran, South Korea, Greece and Turkey….McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II.

F-4 Phantom II
First flight 27 May 1958
Introduction 1961
Retired 1994 (United Kingdom) 1996 (U.S. combat use) 2013 (Germany) 2016 (U.S. target drone) 2021 (Japan)

What military plane can fly the highest?

The highest military air-breathing engine airplane was the SR-71 — about 90,000 feet. The highest airliner flying today reaches 45,000 feet. The highest business jet flying today reaches 51,000 feet.

How many F-4s were made for the US military?

Of these, 2,874 went to the USAF, 1,264 to the Navy and Marine Corps, and the rest to foreign customers. The last U.S.-built F-4 went to South Korea, while the last F-4 built was an F-4EJ built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in Japan and delivered on 20 May 1981.

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What is the difference between the F-4B and F4 Phantom?

Unlike the navy’s focus on interception, the USAF emphasized a fighter-bomber role. With McNamara’s unification of designations on 18 September 1962, the Phantom became the F-4 with the naval version designated F-4B and USAF F-4C. The first air force Phantom flew on 27 May 1963, exceeding Mach 2 on its maiden flight.

What are the nicknames for the F-4 Phantom?

Nicknames. Imitating the spelling of the aircraft’s name, McDonnell issued a series of patches. Pilots became “Phantom Phlyers”, backseaters became “Phantom Pherrets”, fans of the F-4 “Phantom Phanatics”, and call it the “Phabulous Phantom”. Ground crewmen who worked on the aircraft are known as “Phantom Phixers”.

When did the Douglas F-4 Phantom come out?

McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. It first entered service in 1960 with the U.S. Navy. Proving highly adaptable, it was also adopted by the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Air Force, and by the mid-1960s had become a major part of their air arms.