
Why didnt Thanos see the future?

Why didnt Thanos see the future?

Strange saw 14,000,605 possible outcomes. Only one resulted in Thanos losing. Strange knew that no matter what, the Snap had to happen in order to win later on. So the simple answer is that he didn’t see a point because no matter what he could do, it wouldn’t work.

Why didn’t the Avengers time travel to before Thanos destroyed the Stones?

Presumably, once they had time travel and the opportunity for multiple (if few) trips, they decided it was safer to collect the Stones from periods when Thanos was not present and they had not been gathered together.

Why didn’t Dr Strange go back in time to stop Thanos?

5 Answers. In universe, because Dr. Strange saw all 14+ million possible futures and there was only one that led to victory for the Avengers and co–the one he took. Presumably taking any other path, including going back to warn the others, would lead to one of the futures wherein Thanos “won” forever.

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Can Dr Strange time travel without the Time Stone?

Doctor Strange and the Masters of the Mystic Arts can still travel in time – even without the Time Stone. They considered the Time Stone to be their greatest weapon, with both the Ancient One and Doctor Strange using it to explore future timelines and work out how to engineer events to prevent cosmic catastrophes.

Does Dr Strange still have the Time Stone?

The Eye of Agamotto and the Time Stone no longer exist in the MCU, but Doctor Strange suddenly has his accessory back in Spider-Man: No Way Home. In the teaser trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange is wearing the Eye of Agamotto, a mystic device that acted as a container for the Time Stone.

Is Nebula Thanos biological daughter?

Portrayed by. Nebula is a former Luphomoid assassin, an adopted daughter of the intergalactic warlord Thanos and adopted sister of Gamora. As the right-hand woman of Ronan the Accuser during his and Thanos’ quest to retrieve the Orb, she helped him fight the Guardians of the Galaxy during the Battle of Xandar.

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Why doesn’t Dr Strange know who Thanos is?

Doctor Strange didn’t know who Thanos was because he hadn’t encountered or been told about the Mad Titan before. Obviously Strange had not used the Time Stone to gaze into the future and learn about Thanos before the events of Avengers: Infinity War.

Who woke up Thanos?

People blame Star-Lord for waking Thanos up during the fight with him on Titan in Avengers: Infinity War because they think if he had not done that, Iron Man and Spider-Man would have removed the Infinity Gauntlet from his hand and prevented him from eliminating half of the universe’s population from existence.

Why did Doctor Strange give the time stone to Thanos?

According to a convincing new theory, Doctor Strange didn’t just hand the Time Stone to Thanos in order to save Tony Stark, he did it because it’s crucial to defeating Thanos. The theory posits that when Doctor Strange handed over the Time Stone, he first cursed the gem.

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How did Thanos get the time stone in Infinity War?

The first comes when the team fails to pry the Infinity Gaunlet from Thanos; the second occurs when Doctor Strange reluctantly hands the Time Stone to Thanos, an act that could be much more complex than it seems.

Why doesn’t Thanos know about time travel?

He’d have no reason to look into the future and having destroyed the Stones a couple of days later he’s unconcerened with potential temporal threats since he thinks the Time Stone no longer exists. It’s also not clear whether Thanos knowsthat time travel is even possible, certainly there is no indication of it even being considered.

Is Doctor Strange’s time stone curse working?

When Doctor Strange hands over the Time Stone to Thanos, runes specific to the magic of Strange and other sorcerers can be seen. None of the other Infinity Stones feature a visual flourish like that, suggesting the curse is working as intended. We can see the same runes when Thanos uses the Time Stone on Wakanda.