
Why do bigger planes fly higher?

Why do bigger planes fly higher?

The reason aeroplanes fly so high is due to improved fuel efficiency. A jet engine operates more efficiently at higher altitude where the air is much thinner, allowing an aircraft to travel faster whilst at the same time, burning less fuel.

Do bigger airplanes fly higher?

Thus, smaller aircraft do not have engines that can produce such high speeds and their wing size is small. Thus, only larger aircraft can fly at higher altitudes and they do so as to have less drag which will increase fuel efficiency.

Do Planes fly over Mount Everest?

Tim Morgan, a commercial pilot writing for Quora says aircraft can fly above 40,000 feet, and hence it is possible to fly over Mount Everest which stands at 29,031.69 feet. However, typical flight routes do not travel above Mount Everest as the mountains create unforgiving weather.

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Why do smaller aircraft rarely fly higher than 10000 feet?

As the airplane takes off the runway, the pilot’s first job is essentially to get as high as and as quickly as possible. These smaller types of airplanes rarely fly above 10,000 feet. These airplanes have unpressurized cabins, meaning that pilots would need oxygen to fly much higher.

Why do people fly larger planes?

Larger models fly a lot better than smaller models, lot easier to see in the air, and generally they can be a lot more fun. Lot more stalbe too. Not necessarily more tolerant to wind, but winds that would generally cripple small airplanes don’t really bother a big airplane.

What is the difference between a small and a big plane?

A lot of smaller planes, like 800mm are relatively heavy for the size so they tend to fly quite fast and be a bit twitchy. A big plane tends to feel smoother and more graceful and as someone else said, you’re higher up with more space to make corrections. A big plane is also much less affected by wind.

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Why are small planes more prone to weather problems?

However, small planes are lighter and are fitted with weaker engines, which generally make them more susceptible to severe weather and strong winds. What can happen, is something known as “wake turbulence”. This is primarily caused by a large airplane causing a wake in the air. Picture a boat through the water.

Do smaller RC planes fly faster than larger ones?

All else being equal, yes. Larger planes are easier to see, generally fly at slower more scale- like speeds and are less effected by wind gusts. A light breeze to a micro RC plane is like a full blown hurricane to a full scale aircraft. The small planes are also harder to see at a distance.