
Why do gamma-ray bursts occur?

Why do gamma-ray bursts occur?

Scientists now know that the vast majority of gamma-ray bursts are “long bursts”longer than 2 seconds. They are thought to occur when a massive star runs out of fuel. Without a force to resist the crush of its own gravity, the core of the star collapses into a black hole.

What is so strong inside a black hole that even light Cannot escape it?

A black hole is an object whose gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Every object in space has an ‘escape velocity’. The escape velocity is the minimum speed at which something can move away from the object’s gravitational field.

Can gamma ray travel faster than light?

Faster-Than-Light Particles Emit Superbright Gamma Rays that Circle Pulsars. Charged particles travel faster than light through the quantum vacuum of space that surrounds pulsars. That’s in part because of Albert Einstein’s famous theory of relativity, which holds that nothing can travel faster than light in a vacuum.

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Do white holes exist?

A white hole is a black hole running backwards in time. Just as black holes swallow things irretrievably, so also do white holes spit them out. White holes cannot exist, since they violate the second law of thermodynamics. General Relativity is time symmetric.

What happens to light in black hole?

Once a particle of light (‘photon’) passes the ‘event horizon’ of a black hole, it can no longer escape, but there’s nothing to suggest that it is destroyed. Like matter, the photon is rapidly sucked towards the ‘singularity’ at the centre of the black hole, where a huge mass is packed into an infinitely small space.

Can a gamma ray burst hit Earth?

GRBs, as they’re called, are powerful events that release huge amounts of gamma rays. These are among the most deadly radiation known. The good news is that Earth being blasted by a GRB is a pretty unlikely event. That’s because these bursts occur so far away that the chances of being harmed by one are quite small.

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Who discovered gamma burst?

Discovery. Gamma-ray bursts were discovered in the late 1960s by the U.S. Vela nuclear test detection satellites. The Velas were built to detect gamma radiation pulses emitted by nuclear weapon tests in space.

Can light escape from a black hole?

Indeed, light cannot escape from within a black hole, but the matter falling into a black hole can get pretty hot before it falls in. This heating is due to the fact that matter accelerates near black holes.

How does a black hole emit X-rays?

They are emitted by matter particals around black hole that are falling into it. These matter particles got heated up to very high temperature because of strong gravitational potential of black hole and emit x-rays and even gama rays. This is only possible when these matter particles are outside event horizon…

Do black holes radiate from the outside?

Black holes, by definition, are regions from which light cannot escape. Thus, any radiation observed from outside must come from outside black holes. There are two mechanisms by which this can happen.

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What happens when matter falls into a black hole?

This heating is due to the fact that matter accelerates near black holes. As a result, matter emits lots of light and other radiation as it falls into a black hole. Among the best evidence for the existence of a black hole is a source of x-rays coming from a binary star system in which no star companion is observed.