
Why do I flake so much?

Why do I flake so much?

You’re more likely to get them if you’re a guy, are overweight, or have oily skin. Some conditions, like Parkinson’s disease, can also cause dandruff. Other things can cause the skin on your head to flake and fall, too: Shampooing too often or not often enough.

Why do I hate committing to plans?

They often just haven’t thought about what they want to do yet and it feels like a lot of energy to think about something that’s not immediately relevant. It’s hard for them to know in advance how they will feel. And they don’t want to be held to plans that no longer make sense to them in the moment.

What does flaking on plans say about your mental health?

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Here are 5 explanations for what flaking on plans might say about your mental health. If you’re feeling those dreaded nerves kick in when a plan is approaching, you might be experiencing anxiety, which often manifests physically as well as mentally.

What is the difference between a flake and a busy person?

There’s a difference between a flake and someone just being busy. When a busy person makes an arrangement and something comes up, they apologize and promise to make up for canceling plans. They give you a reason for why they had to change plans and promise to make it up to you.

Why do some people flake out at work?

There are a couple personality disorders that can result in frequent flaking. For example, avoidant personality disorder can cause sufferers to believe they are inadequate. Sufferers will tend to avoid any situation, from work to social gatherings, where they could possibly be judged.

Are your insecurities making you flake out?

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When your insecurities are outsized, this can cause extreme discomfort. When you cancel plans and avoid socializing, you forgo the risk of being judged or belittled. The lower your self esteem, the more likely you are to flake.