
Why do people keep Saunf under pillows?

Why do people keep Saunf under pillows?

If you are not being able to sleep peacefully, keeping fennel (saunf) seeds under your pillow will help you improve Rahu’s effect. I will strongly recommend you to chant Rahu Beej Mantra for 18000 times in the duration of 40 days.

How can we reduce the effect of Rahu?

Do the following to be away from the negative effects of Rahu:

  1. Donate wheat, jaggery and copper. Put these three articles or one of the articles in a copper vessel and drop it in flowing water on a Sunday.
  2. Avoid wearing blue clothes.
  3. Wear a silver chain around the neck.
  4. Drop coconut in flowing water.

How can we reduce the effects of Rahu and Ketu?

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To reduce the bad effects of Ketu, donate blankets, calf, goat, sesame, grey coloured materials and iron weapons. You can also observe fasts on Tuesday and Saturday. Feed a dog; also feed Brahmins rice cooked with cereals. Helping the old and needy also helps to reduce its ill-effects.

How do you make a planet Favourable?

How to Strengthen Planet Sun?

  1. Sit in the sunlight every morning. Lord Sun is pleased with this.
  2. Have your last meal before sunset.
  3. Use copper vessels for drinking water.
  4. Use only wooden furniture.
  5. Chant Surya Mantra every day. It energies the planet in your kundali.

What planet causes anxiety?

Combination of Moon with other planets can cause mental illness. Moon with Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu can give rise to depression. Debilitated Moon, Mercury and Jupiter can cause a mental imbalance. Moon sitting in conjunction with Saturn makes a person’s mind heavy.

Why do people put copper coins in their neck?

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The native should wear a Copper Coin in his neck in Red Thread for wealth and prosperity. He should also wear Silver and Pearls for the same. The native should store Rain Water in a Glass bottle in his home if Venus is weak.

How do you make Saturn happy?

Make donation a part of your life. Feeding the poor is one of the best remedies for Planet Saturn. Donate food on your birthday or other special occasions in your life. You can also donate food in a temple.

Which Dasha causes death?

Saturn associated with a maraka kills, and death generally occurs during the course of the antra-dasha of the lords of the trikabhavas in the dasha of a maraka. The lords of the 2nd and the 12th bhavas counted from the sign and bhava occupied by the Moon behave as marakas if they are natural malefic.

Which planet is responsible for anger?

The planet Mars brings about physical anger and associationwith cruel planets makes a person lose his temper. Ø A conjunction of Sun and Mars if afflicted makes a person aggressive and violent at times too. Ø Saturn and Mars combination can increase a person’s anger.