
Why do people not like Osho?

Why do people not like Osho?

Many people don’t like osho because they can’t comprehend him because osho will take you deep and question your existing beliefs and challenge them one by one with his logic and explanation but our naive minds will refuse to travel that far.

What caused fall of Osho?

Following an assassination attempt on Osho’s personal physician, Sheela and a small group of her followers abruptly left Rajneeshpuram. This greatly angered Osho and turned him against her.

What were Osho’s beliefs?

As a part of the Rajneesh movement, he preached the values of meditation, freedom, love and life, earning him disciples and followers from across the globe, and earning the reputation of being more than just a motivational public speaker.

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What are your views on Osho Quora?

For me, a person like Osho can never be a fraud. He wanted the society to be free, frolicksome, happy, content, free from any boundaries. Because it is as simple as that, the more you try to suppress or hide something, the more prohibited it will become. A society with taboos is not a flourishing society.

Is sadhguru similar to Osho?

There is a difference between some similarities and exact imitations.. Many people who have read a lot of both Osho’s and Sadhguru’s work can see that Sadhguru has indeed read Osho. Yes, enlightened people speak the same language, but not in the exact same way..

Was Mahesh Bhatt a follower of Osho?

Mahesh Bhatt is a film maker in Mumbai and a former member of the Osho commune in Pune.

What people said about Osho?

“Osho is a fountain of wisdom that never goes dry…” “Osho is one of the greatest mystics of all times who has a tremendous spiritual power to go into such a variety of subjects including Geeta, Nanak, Meera, Kabir, Sufism, Tantra, Yoga and Zen. He has given a new vision and direction to humanity.”

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What do you think about Osho?

Osho was a self claimed spiritual leader. Many followed him, loved him and became his disciples. He concocted his own way to help people to attain liberation- as defined by him, which led to chaos in the human society. He was a genius and had siddhees (spiritual powers).

What is difference between Osho and sadhguru?

Dissimilarities between Osho and Sadhguru : Osho never consecrated any energy forms by prana-pratishta like sadhguru has done with dhyanalinga, linga bhairavi and its yantras. Sadhguru stresses more on topics like devotion, yoga, yogic science, kriya and hatha yoga, prana etc.

How many Rolls Royce did Osho own?

93 Rolls-Royces
Throughout their time at Rajneeshpuram, the guru and his community had accumulated huge wealth – planes, guns and luxury items, plus the 93 Rolls-Royces.