
Why does Molly Weasley ask what platform?

Why does Molly Weasley ask what platform?

Since they were late, Molly was anxious about reaching the platform on time. She was looking around for 9 and 3 quarters and asked about the platform to find out where they were at that particular moment, to see how much farther they had to go.

Why can’t Muggles see Wizards entering Platform 9 3 4?

I think it’s implied that there’s a Disillusionment charm to hide it, meaning that only Wizarding families can see it. However, Platform 9 3/4 has never been formally declared as hidden from Muggles by the Ministry of Magic in canon.

How do the Weasleys get to Kings Cross?

The wall at King’s Cross station is just one of such entrances. It leads to the platform where you board the old Hogwarts express and nowhere else. It’s the only entrance so the Weasleys have to go there unless they want to fly a car to Hogwarts.

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Did Molly Weasley love Harry more than Ron?

She loved him as one of her son’s and did everything she would do for her weasley’s or probably even more. It was to help Harry that she sent her own son Ron on a death mission with Harry, She lost her home, her son and gave countless sacrifices for Harry.

Do muggles see magic?

Muggles very rarely understood magic, even going to extreme lengths (and sometimes making themselves seem rather foolish to wizards) to ignore obvious occurrences of magic, and wizards very rarely understood technology. Even though the Muggles lacked magic, they still posed a threat to the wizarding world.

What killed Moaning Myrtle?

the Basilisk
Opening the stall’s door, she was about to yell at Riddle to go away. On Riddle’s command, the Basilisk stared at Myrtle and her eyes met with the monster’s. Since looking into a Basilisk’s eyes is a fatal act, Myrtle was killed instantly and her body fell to the bathroom floor, becoming Tom’s first victim.

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What does Ron’s Boggart become?

Ron’s Boggart was featured in the books as well as the movies. The Boggart took the form of a giant spider. In the book, Ron used the Riddikulus spell to take away the spider’s legs.

Where are the Weasleys going in the Harry Potter series?

The Weasley family will be spending a month in Egypt, returning for the start of the new year at Hogwarts, which five of the Weasley children currently attend. (Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 1, Owl Post).

Why did Harry Potter go to King’s Cross station?

Harry Potter at King’s Cross Station in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 J. K. Rowling chose King’s Cross Station as the portal that would take Harry to Hogwarts because this was where her parents met on a train to Scotland.

How did the Weasleys get the seed money for Wizard Wheezes?

The seed money for the shop was Harry Potter ‘s Triwizard Tournament 1,000 galleon winnings. The first official premises of Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes was at 93 Diagon Alley. In 1997, the founders, Fred and George Weasley were known to be looking at buying Zonko’s Joke Shop after it closed.

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How did the Weasley shop get its start?

This establishment started out as an ‘owl-post service’ led by the twins from the Burrow, and later continued from Hogwarts, selling joke-products until the store front was opened. The shop was the Weasley twins’ dream. The seed money for the shop was Harry Potter ‘s Triwizard Tournament 1,000 galleon winnings.