
Why does my crush know so much about me?

Why does my crush know so much about me?

If your crush happens to know a lot of things about you and you’re wondering why, chances are they have done some research about you. Your crush may have asked a friend of yours, stalked your social media accounts, or they’ve been crushing on you long before you even realized that you’re crushing on them.

What is a passing crush and how do you get one?

This attraction is what we call a passing crush– this new person may seem new and exciting, and they probably are, but that doesn’t mean you should reconsider the relationship you are in or, if you’re single, drop everything to try to be with them. Often times, passing crushes are spiked by being attracted–most often physically–to someone.

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Can you choose who you have a crush on?

You can’t always choose who you have a crush on, but you can choose how you react once you figure out that you have a crush on someone.

Is it normal to have a crush on your BFF’s friend?

It’s totally normal to have a friend crush – you should want to hang out with your BFF as much as possible and have a platonic relationship with them.

Is it okay to hug your crush?

Chances are, if you’re good friends with your crush, you’ve probably hugged them more times than you can count. However, if your crush is simply an acquaintance, then hugging them might be out of the question, as it would be much too random. Is your crush dating someone else?

Is it okay to ask your crush out?

Yes, and soon too! If you really like someone, you owe it to yourself to muster up the courage to talk to them or ask them out. Only then will you know for sure if you have a real chance of being with this person. Have you ever done anything cute for your crush?

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What is the age gap between you and your crush?

We then compare your ages and score you based on how similar they are. It’s said that for a relationship to work, the youngest person should be no less than half of the older person’s age plus seven years. If your’s and your crush’s age gap is greater than this, then compatibility points will be deducted.