
Why is failure not an option?

Why is failure not an option?

The “failure is not an option” mindset and attitude are prominent in business circles. The generic connotation of the phrase is that those responsible are absolutely committed to success come what may and will persevere until they find a way to prevail.

When was failure not an option?

Gene Kranz (foreground, back to camera), an Apollo 13 Flight Director, watches Apollo 13 astronaut and lunar module pilot Fred Haise onscreen in the Mission Operations Control Room, during the mission’s fourth television transmission on the evening of April 13, 1970.

Can failure be an option?

Failure is an option for every phase — meaning it can happen. The only time we can choose for “failure to not be an option” is in the Explore Phase. Rather than allowing failure to be the outcome, we can allow our selves to go back to the Create Phase (or even the Imagine Phase if necessary) and rework it!

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What would you do if fear was not factor and you could not fail?

If fear was not a factor, how can you ever fail yourself. If you know no fear, you were pushed to do your job wihtout failing. If fear was the only factor that prevented you from arriving at your destination, then we should not let it affect us, although not being fearful may not be real for the majority.

Which is worst failing never trying?

Never trying is always worse than failing. If you fail at something, it becomes a life lesson you can apply to future situations. Even though most people know that it is better to try and fail than to never try at all, they still refuse to take chances.

Who said failure not an option?

Kranz has become associated with the phrase “failure is not an option”. It was uttered by actor Ed Harris, playing Kranz, in the 1995 film Apollo 13 .

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What does failure is not an option mean?

Failure is not an option is an effective term to describe intense moments where a failure would result in unthinkable losses. For example, a pilot making a difficult landing with hundreds of lives in her hands.

Is failure a bad thing?

Failure is not the best thing can happen in your life. Failure is a bad thing, failure probably is one of the worst things can happen in your life. It lets you feel tinny weenny.