
Why is it called Tridentine Mass?

Why is it called Tridentine Mass?

The Tridentine Mass takes its name from the Council of Trent (1545-63), which was called largely in response to the rise of Protestantism in Europe. The council addressed many issues, however, including the proliferation of modifications of the traditional Latin Rite Mass.

What are the two types of Catholic Mass?

The mass consists of two principal rites: the liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the Eucharist.

What is Novus Ordo Catholic?

Novus Ordo literally translated means “new order”, this is the proper term for the way Mass has been celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church since 1965. Catholics receive the Eucharist in their hands, and now the priest says the Mass facing the congregation, giving the perception that the Mass is for our benefit.

Why did Pope Paul VI change the mass?

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In response to the bishops’ concerns, some changes were made to the text. Pope Paul VI and the Consilium interpreted this as lack of approval for the Normative Mass, which was replaced by the text included in the book Novus Ordo Missae (The New Order of Mass) in 1969.

What does post Tridentine mean?

adjective. (US post-Tridentin) Christian Church. Subsequent to or consequent upon the Council of Trent (1545–63).

Can a deacon concelebrate?

A deacon does not concelebrate at Mass. A priest or bishop will always be the celebrant; the deacon’s role is to assist. For example, chanting the petitions of the second Penitential Act or reading the general intercessions should be discussed with the celebrant before the celebration and not done during Mass.

What’s the difference between high and low mass?

A High Mass is scheduled for every Sunday, each Holy Day of Obligation and certain major holy days. Low Masses are generally offered during the week and on Saturdays, especially when only a small group of people are expected to attend.

Who wrote the Novus Ordo Mass?

Paul VI
On 25 September 1969, two retired cardinals, 79-year-old Alfredo Ottaviani and 84-year-old Antonio Bacci, wrote a letter with which they sent Pope Paul VI the text of the “Short Critical Study on the New Order of Mass”, which had been prepared in the previous June by a group of twelve theologians under the direction of …

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What is the difference between Novus Ordo and Latin Mass?

In the Novus Ordo, the Mass ends with a blessing and then the dismissal, when the priest says, “The Mass is ended; go in peace” and the people respond, “Thanks be to God.” In the Traditional Latin Mass, the dismissal precedes the blessing, which is followed by the reading of the Last Gospel—the beginning of the Gospel …

Is the Novus Ordo a new rite?

A completely new rite of the Mass was slated for preparation from the very beginning of the Consilium [Council for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy]. The first complete draft of a new Ordo Missae was ready for the sixth plenary session (October 18–26, 1965).

What is the Tridentine Mass?

AND THE NOVUS ORDO MISSAE Firstly, a few key names to define: Tridentine Mass: the traditional Mass that was codified through the Council of Trent (1545-63) – hence the name, Tridentine, meaning “of Trent” – by St. Pope Pius V as the standard liturgy in the Western Church.

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What is the difference between Latin Mass and traditional mass?

In the Traditional Latin Mass, the congregation is largely silent, with the exception of singing the entrance and exit hymns (and sometime Communion hymns). Active participation takes the form of prayer and following along in very detailed missals, which contain the readings and prayers for each Mass.

What is the difference between the traditional Latin Mass and Novus Ordo?

Both the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo stress active participation, but in different ways. In the Novus Ordo, the emphasis falls on the congregation making the responses that were traditionally reserved to the deacon or altar server.

What is novnovus Ordo Missae (New Order of mass)?

Novus Ordo Missae(New Order of Mass): the new liturgy as introduced in 1969 by Pope Paul VI. It was a radical re-write of the previous Roman rite (the Tridentine Mass), performed by the Consilium(liturgical committee) after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65).