
Why is it nearly impossible or impossible to transmit a sound wave in space?

Why is it nearly impossible or impossible to transmit a sound wave in space?

Space is a vacuum. With no molecules in the vacuum of space there is no medium for the sound waves to travel through. So there is no sound. And that is the reason nobody can hear you shout in space.

Why is it that we might see an interstellar explosion but Cannot hear it?

So it’s not strictly true that no sound vibrations can travel through space at all, but it is true that humans would not be able to hear any sounds in space. However, since space is a vacuum, these gases will spread out very rapidly and the density will drop off very fast with distance from the explosion.

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Can you hear explosions in space?

No, you cannot hear any sounds in near-empty regions of space. Sound travels through the vibration of atoms and molecules in a medium (such as air or water). In space, where there is no air, sound has no way to travel.

Why can’t astronauts talk in space?

When astronauts are out in space, they can whistle, talk, or even yell inside their own spacesuit, but the other astronauts would not hear the noise. Because there is nothing out in space (like an atmosphere), the sound waves from one astronaut’s whistling can’t travel over to the other astronaut’s ears.

Could a nuke go off in space?

Finally, regarding the long-term effects of a nuclear weapon detonating in space, that radioactive material falling into the atmosphere isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it dissipates and spreads around the entire planet.

Do your ears ring in space?

While sound doesn’t travel through empty space, there are other places off our planet where scientists have detected sound waves. “In general, the sounds are probably so low a frequency, a mega bass, that our ears can’t hear it,” Coffin said.

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Can you hear sounds in space?

Space is a vacuum — so it generally doesn’t carry sound waves like air does here on Earth (though some sounds do exist in outer space, we just can’t hear them).

Why don’t ships in Star Wars use thrusters for sound?

In one of the many, many shows that covered scientific inadequecies in Star Wars, it was explained that because the engines used ions, and space is not truly empty, the sound was transmitted through the little gas that was there. I guess this could explain why few ships actually used thrusters to change attitude in space also.

I heard JMS once say that an astrophysicist told him that you CAN hear explosions in space – just not the way they sound in movies. Specifically, if you have an explosion, part of the makeup of that explosion is something that will carry the sound waves (like oxygen).

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Can air expand from an exploding ship carry sound?

When J. Michael Straczynski (you know you’re a fan if you can type that name without thinking) was preparing for production on Babylon 5, he and his crew sent out questionnaires to many scientists about such issues. He stated, online, that they were surprised that many scientists said that air expanding from the exploding ship could carry sound.

How do Star Wars ships travel through vacuum?

In short, ships in the Star Wars universe don’t travel through pure vacuum. They instead travel through a form of invisible matter called “ether”. Among other things, this explains how the audible compression waves that would be caused by an explosion in air can also be heard in space.