
Why is Star Trek Enterprise so different?

Why is Star Trek Enterprise so different?

This was a departure from the typical Star Trek vision of the future and gave the show an entirely different tone. Enterprise’s sets, props, and costumes were completely redesigned and even the show’s theme song, which is the only Star Trek theme to feature lyrics, stood out as different.

Which franchise has made more money Star Wars or Star Trek?

Despite the similar number of films, the profit made by the Star Wars film series exceed the profit of the Star Trek film series by six times, while the entire franchise outgrosses the other by four times.

Which is more popular Star Wars or Star Trek?

The “Star Wars” franchise has topped the “Star Trek” franchise. “Star Wars” may have produced less work, but the franchise has brought in much more in the box office, and that’s without nostalgic TV series backing it up.

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Who does t POL end up with?

After they engage in sex in “Harbinger”, they do not engage in the act again in season 3. In “E²”, an alternate timeline is revealed where Commander Tucker and T’Pol get married and have at least one child, who they meet, called Lorian.

Did Star Trek inspired Star Wars?

The Star Trek television series was originally produced in 1966, and it influenced the 1977 beginning of the popular Star Wars films. In 1979, the first Star Trek movie was released. Without these conflicts, the Star Wars movies would essentially have no plot.

Are t pol and T’Pau related?

In fact, at one time, Babylon 5 actress, Marjorie Monoghan was being considered for the role of Sub-Commander T’Pau. So they decided to go with a new character, T’Pol, although, at one time, the producers did think about making T’Pau T’Pol’s sister to unite the two women in history, though that was dropped as well.

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What happened to T pol in Star Trek?

In 2153, after being ordered to leave the Enterprise and return to Vulcan, T’Pol resigned her commission with the Vulcan High Command in order to accompany the crew of the Enterprise into the Delphic Expanse to find the Xindi, a mysterious race accused of killing seven million humans on Earth.

What happened to Star Trek’s Enterprise?

One of the most reviled series finales in the entire Star Trek franchise is the end of Enterprise. Here’s why it has divided fans for years. Fifteen years ago this month, Star Trek: Enterprise ended its four-season run on UPN, concluding the adventures of Captain Jonathan Archer onboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NX-01.

Why is Star Trek not popular in the cinema?

The strengths of Star Trek make it best suited for television and less well suited for the cinema. It has had mixed success on the big screen. The multiplex is about spectacle. When Star Trek returned to the big screen in 2009 it was welcomed by a large audience, but it wasn’t quite Star Trek.

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Why is Star Trek Voyager so popular?

Voyager is best remembered as being the show with Star Trek’s first female captain and for its overall diversity of cast members, including the most female leads of any Star Trek series up until that point. In a similar pattern to Enterprise, ratings started out good and then steadily dropped over the course of 7 seasons.

What happened to Star Trek The Next Generation?

Twenty-one years after Star Trek premiered on NBC, a new television series called Star Trek: The Next Generation began airing in syndication. It was a huge success and ran for seven seasons. It continued the formula of a bright future, a highly competent crew, and moral plays.