
Why there is lack of officers in Indian army?

Why there is lack of officers in Indian army?

Poor promotional avenues in the steeply-pyramidal structures of the armed forces as well as frequent transfers that disrupt family life and children’s education are the other reasons that dissuade youngsters with “officer-like qualities (OLQs)” from queuing up.

What are the problems faced by Indian army?

Limited conventional conflict under threat of use of nuclear weapons. Border skirmishes. Defence of island territories and/or dislodging an adversary from our island territories. Counter insurgency and counter proxy war operations.

What is Officers Mess in Indian army?

An army mess, home base for a regiment and its officers, is a magnificent institution whose walls are lined with glimpses of the operations of that unit, photographs of those who lead and serve the regiment, and mementos of valorous victories. An army mess is also where (dining) officers eat and stay.

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What are the challenges faced by a soldier?

Problems with Military Practices and Culture Were the Most Pressing. When asked which problem domains were the most pressing for them, soldiers most frequently reported Military Practices and Culture, followed by Work/Life Balance, Soldier’s Own Well-Being, Health Care System Problems, and Relationship Problems.

Does the army have a shortage of officers?

The three services are facing a shortage of 9,362 officers and around 1.13 lakh soldiers, airmen and sailors, according to details provided by the government on Monday.

What are three challenges military families face?

During the deployment family members have a range of feelings and experiences, including:

  • Concern, worry or panic.
  • Loneliness, sadness.
  • Added family duties and responsibilities.
  • Learning new skills, making new friends.
  • Fear for their service member’s safety.
  • Feeling overwhelmed.
  • Financial difficulties.

What are the challenges faced by the people of Ladakh during winter season any 2 relevant points?

New Delhi: Limited road infrastructure, shortage of drinking water, higher chances of injuries and cold-related ailments, paucity of medical facilities, avalanches and the fact that a large number of troops will stay in areas no one has lived in since 1962.

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Why is officers mess so called?

In the military, a mess hall is an area where people eat together in a group. There’s often a separate area for officers to eat, known as the officers’ mess hall. The term comes from an old meaning of mess, “food for one meal.”

Why is it called a mess in the army?

A mess is an area where military personnel eat, socialise and (sometimes) live. Why is it called a mess? It derives from the old French word ‘mes’ which means a ‘portion of food’.

What kind of issues stressors did any military soldiers can face during his services?

Deployment is a major part of the military lifestyle, but stressors such as residential mobility, parent separation or absence, trauma and loss, and reintegration are all of equal importance due to the toll these experiences take on the military family (Child Trends, 2014).

What are the major occupational stressors in the Indian Army?

Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) highlights lack of control at work, role conflict, inadequate awareness about profession, workload and job pressure, and indifferent organisational attitude as the major occupational stressors in the Indian army.

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What are the problems faced by officers in the Army?

Poor Administration Especially in the army, the officers are responsible for all administrative activities of men under their command which includes leave, promotion, courses, documentation, mental and physical health.

How many Indian Army soldiers are working in one of India’s most sensitive?

The respondents for the study were 415 Indian army soldiers working in one of the most sensitive regions of the nation. The respondents were randomly selected from the Combat arms (Infantry and Armoured), Combat-support arms (Engineering and Artillery) and Services (EME—Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and ASC—Army Service Corps).

How big is the Indian Army?

Indian army is the third largest army in the world. India has a total of 1.4 million active army and 11.55 lakh reserve forces, as well as 20 lakh paramilitary forces. From outside, the holy cow status of the armed forces makes it difficult to question what is happening inside.