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Are cumin seeds and fennel seeds the same?

Are cumin seeds and fennel seeds the same?

Fennel seeds belong to the Foeniculum vulgare plant but cumin seeds are from the Cuminum cyminum plant. Both of them belong to the Apiaceae family which makes them related to each other. Fennel seeds have a greenish colour and cumin are of brown shade. And fennel seeds are slightly larger than cumin seeds.

Can I substitute fennel seeds for cumin seeds?

Unlike cumin, fennel seeds have an anise-like, licorice flavor. They will not deliver the same smokiness and earthiness as cumin but won’t taste out of place when you’re in a pinch. Use ground fennel to substitute for ground cumin and fennel seeds to substitute for cumin seeds.

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What is cumin Malayalam?

English : Cumin Seeds. Tamil : Seerakam / Jeerakam. Malayalam : Jeerakam.

Is cumin and cumin seed the same thing?

Even though ground cumin and cumin seeds are of the same spice, they have their own individual taste profiles and used differently in recipes. Whole cumin seeds are added early in recipes as they release their flavors and aroma as they are heated (with or without oil).

Can you use cumin seeds instead of cumin?

Cumin seeds are widely available in the spice section of the supermarket. Ground cumin (pictured below) can be used as a substitute. Keep in mind, however, that cumin seeds will maintain their flavor longer than powder.

What is similar to fennel seeds?

Substitutes for Fennel:

  • Anise.
  • Cumin.
  • Licorice root.
  • Caraway seeds.
  • Celery.
  • Parsley.
  • Onion.
  • Artichoke.

Can you use cumin seed instead of cumin powder?

If you’re preparing chili and there’s no ground cumin in your cupboard, you can substitute whole cumin seeds. Both versions of the spice have the same flavor — after all, the ground version is simply the whole seed ground into powder.

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What are the different types of cumin seeds?

The two major types of cumin seeds found in the market are white cumin seeds and the black cumin seeds. The white cumin seeds are the most commonly found seeds that are used in cuisines. However, the black cumin seeds are smaller in shape than the white one and also have a sweet aroma.

What is the difference between cumin and black cumin?

Black cumin is dark brown, very thin, and much smaller fruit than regular cumin, about 3 mm long. Black cumin seeds are smaller, thinner, and darker, almost black.

Is coriander the same as cumin?

Coriander and cumin have an earthy taste and perfectly complement each other.

  • They are available both as whole seeds as well as in the ground form.
  • We use both coriander and cumin in spice blends like garam masala and curry powder.
  • Lightly roasting the seeds and then grinding them can heighten their flavor and aroma.
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