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Are electron Apps good?

Are electron Apps good?

Electron is good for app development industry. Electron JS happens to be a framework for cross platform app development. In case you are linked to web development, you must be aware of what is meant by cross-platform.

Can you build a GUI with JavaScript?

It’s easy to build cross-platform apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Your app will be compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems right out of the box. Other in-built features are: Windows installer — you can create install packages.

Are electrons bad?

Developers might like that, and it would be one less job to do, but Electron just isn’t good enough. “[Electron] consumes a high amount of RAM, and requires an expansive amount of storage, which makes it a poor choice for iOS apps that need to be fast, lightweight, and place minimal pressure on RAM,” says McGee.

What language is best for desktop apps?

Top 10 Best Programming Languages for Desktop Apps In 2021

  • Python.
  • Java.
  • JavaScript.
  • PHP.
  • Swift.
  • Red-Lang.
  • Go.
  • Object Pascal.
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Why do people use electrons?

Electron helps us develop cross-platform applications by using existing web technologies. Because all the platforms support web technologies, Electron helps in developing cross-platform apps easier. Popular applications that use Electron include Visual Studio Code, Slack, and Atom Editor.

What’s wrong with electron apps?

Lack of native UI/UX: Electron renders webpages and not native controls. On one hand, that gives complete freedom to designers, but on the other, the app looks different from the “native” ones. Unsurprisingly, this complaint usually comes from macOS users, where a single “native” framework exists: Cocoa.

How do you make an app with electrons?

Build a Simple Electron. js Project

  1. Create a web page for the application home screen.
  2. Load the application home screen when the Electron. js app is booted up.
  3. Load the home screen when the app’s icon is clicked if the app’s windows are closed but the app is still running.
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Are electrons bloated?

Yeah, it’s annoying that Electron apps are so bloated. Meanwhile, there’s such a thing as cross-platform GUI applications that don’t try to fit an entire web browser into them.