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Are INFJs Overthinkers?

Are INFJs Overthinkers?

INFJs are champions of overthinking. No matter the situation, we’ll overthink and analyze it. It’s impossible for us to stop thinking and shut down. However, INFJs are also gold medalists at over-loving.

Can INTJs and INFJs be friends?

Put an INFJ and INTJ together, and you have a recipe for witty banter. In a world filled with extroverted sensors, the INFJ and INTJ can find deep friendship and empower each other to be their best selves. If you feel like an outsider, you may find that mutual understanding comes easily in an INTJ-INFJ friendship.

Can Intj fall in love with Infj?

When in love, they are both willing to do whatever it takes to make things work. Balance — the INFJs sensitive side might help tame the INTJs more logical side and vice versa. Both personalities believe in hard work and will respect each other’s professional lives.

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Are INFJs good at strategy?

INFJs do have a strategic side to their personality, they just don’t always have a desire to utilize it. INFJs are often viewed as being focused on emotions and morals, but they are also very logical people. INFJs may not always strive to be strategic people, but it is absolutely something they are good at.

Which personality types overthink the most?

INFPs overthink most things, and will analyze information much more than people realize. INFPs have such active inner minds, and they often spend lengths of time just overthinking things and trying to process their thoughts and feelings.

How INFJ can understand INTJ?

INFJs can understand that when an INTJ is processing their thoughts, they aren’t necessarily being judgmental or mean. Meanness or niceness isn’t part of the equation to them, they’re just trying to find the most efficient, correct way to do something.

Do INFJs like to read books?

It’s no secret that INFJs are book lovers. Reading is by far one of the favorite pastimes of most INFJs (including myself). Books provide a respite from a weary world, an escape into the imagination, and, in some cases, helpful advice for the ups and downs of life.

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What are intjs like as emotionally?

For a personality type known as “robots,” INTJs have a deep emotional core. We keep this largely hidden from the world, not as a protective measure but simply because we tend to view feelings as private. Expressing them in public is awkward, like forgetting to put on pants. But those feelings are surprisingly sensitive.

Do INFJs know what they’re saying?

When it comes to the INFJ’s use of language, others may look on in confusion. While the INFJ personality herself might know exactly what she means and why she says things, it’s not usually clear outside of her head.

What is the difference between an INTJ and an INFJ?

Fundamentally, INTJs are much more pragmatic than INFJs when it comes to decision-making. You’ll observe an INTJ breaking down a task in small steps, and focusing on the most efficient way to get to their goal. They’re also level-headed in situations where INFJs could easily get overwhelmed.

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What do intjs value most in life?

What we really value is what we do with it. This is because INTJs don’t view intelligence as a static thing (you’re either “smart” or “not smart” and that’s that). We view intelligence as a constant process of learning more about the world. As a result, accomplishing things in the world matters a lot.