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Are magnetic field lines stationary?

Are magnetic field lines stationary?

The use of magnetic fields to generate electric current. Around a permanent magnet or a wire carrying a steady electric current in one direction, the magnetic field is stationary and referred to as a magnetostatic field. A uniform magnetic field is represented by equally spaced parallel straight lines.

How do magnetic flux lines flow?

The general direction for the magnetic flux flow is from the North ( N ) to the South ( S ) pole. In addition, these magnetic lines form closed loops that leave at the north pole of the magnet and enter at the south pole. Magnetic poles are always in pairs.

Are magnetic flux lines always closed?

The net flux of the magnetic field through any closed surface is zero. All the field lines that enter through the surface into a volume enclosed by the surface also exit through the surface. Hence Magnetic field lines always are closed loops.

What are magnetic flux lines?

Magnetic flux is defined as the number of magnetic field lines passing through a given closed surface. It provides the measurement of the total magnetic field that passes through a given surface area.

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Why do magnetic lines move from north to south?

When it comes to magnets, opposites attract. This fact means that the north end of a magnet in a compass is attracted to the south magnetic pole, which lies close to the geographic north pole. Magnetic field lines outside of a permanent magnet always run from the north magnetic pole to the south magnetic pole.

Do magnetic flux lines intersect?

Do magnetic flux lines intersect? Explanation: Magnetic field lines do not cross each other because if they cross each other it means that there are two different directions of a magnetic field in that region and that is not possible.

When a conductor is stationary and the magnetic field is moving or changing the emf induced is called?

Static induced EMF: When the conductor is stationary and the field is changing (varying) then the emf induced in the conductor is called static induced EMF.

Which way do magnetic field lines point?

They point from the north pole to the south pole. However, the magnetic field lines do not just end at the tip of the magnet. They go right through it, so that inside the magnet the magnetic field points from the south pole to the north pole. Thus the magnetic field lines form a closed loop and do not have any ends.

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Why are magnetic lines closed loops?

Magnetic lines are imaginary lines. Within the magnet, they move from south pole to north pole and outside the magnet they move from north pole to south pole. Hence, magnetic lines form continuous closed loops.

Why are magnetic field lines closed?

Magnetic field lines are closed curves as they propagate from the North pole outside the magnet’s body to the magnet’s body and from the south pole to the north pole inside the magnet’s body. Hence, the magnetic field lines are closed.

Which lines travel from north to south?

The imaginary vertical lines that run from the North pole to the South pole on a map are called longitudinal lines. The Prime Meridian is the longitudinal line that has a value of 0 degrees. On a map, longitudinal lines are measured in increments of 15 degrees from the Prime Meridian.

In which direction do the magnetic field lines point near the south pole of a magnet?

Thus, the magnetic field lines point away from the north pole of a magnet and toward its south pole. Figure 20.9 The black lines represent the magnetic field lines of a bar magnet. The field lines point in the direction that the north pole of a small compass would point, as shown at left.

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What is the difference between magnetic flux and current?

Change in the number of field lines through a coil gives a current. Number of field lines through a coil is called magnetic flux. When a loop is moved parallel to a uniform magnetic field, there is no change in the number of field lines passing through the loop and no induced current.

How does the angle of a field line affect magnetic flux?

If we use the field-line picture of a magnetic field then every field line passing through the given area contributes some magnetic flux. The angle at which the field line intersects the area is also important. A field line passing through at a glancing angle will only contribute a small component of the field to the magnetic flux.

How does magnetic flux induce electromotive force?

A change of magnetic flux through the surface area of the loop shown in the figure induces an electromotive force in the circuit. It can be thought of as the “number of induction lines passing through the area of the loop”.

Why is the net magnetic flux through a closed surface zero?

This means that the net magnetic flux through such a closed surface is always zero and therefore all the magnetic field lines going into the closed surface are exactly balanced by field lines coming out. This fact is useful for simplifying magnetic field problems.