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Are you tough on the outside but soft on the inside?

Are you tough on the outside but soft on the inside?

They are tough on the outside but soft on the inside. Initially, they seem rather unapproachable and cold, but as you get to know them, you discover that they have a warm side too. People who are outwardly tough are easily mistaken as rocks.

What are some examples of bad things in our society?

1. Social media – from outside it is awesome….but when it turns to a time waster, it is bad from inside too in many ways.. 2. Certain people;Fake people – Not everyone but certain people will approach us in disguise; they come in as angels and destroy us a devil..

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Why do tough people hide their emotions?

They are afraid to appear weak. One reason why tough people don’t display their emotions publicly is because they are afraid to be seen as weak or pushovers. They are afraid that others might take advantage of their vulnerability, so they prefer to hide their feelings away from public view. 8. They build walls to protect themselves emotionally.

What is Gödel’s undecidable proposition?

In Gödel’s language they are “undecidable propositions.” It’s probable you’ll still have your job next week… but maybe you don’t. Nearly all scientific laws are based on inductive reasoning. These laws rest on an assumption that the universe is logical and based on fixed discoverable laws.

What are some examples of things that are hard to find?

A coconut, a submarine, a country (if one would metaphorically consider national boarders hard). A fishtank, a frozen bubble, a frozen lake, a pangolin, a hedgehog, a tree, a termite mound, a beer, (gotta crack it open after all). Also all of the arthropods.

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Are coconuts hard or soft on the inside?

Coconuts are hard on the outside and soft on the inside. I used to have a Spanish professor who would say: “Mexicans are like coconuts and Americans are like avocados.