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Can a motor generate electricity?

Can a motor generate electricity?

An electric motor converts electricity into mechanical energy, providing a power source for machinery. A generator does the opposite of this, converting mechanical energy into electricity.

How does a generator motor work?

When an electrical current is applied to the motor, the magnets or windings create a magnetic field that both attracts and repels the rotor, causing it to spin. The spinning motion of the rotor drives the shaft that it is mounted on, which in turn can deliver the mechanical power wherever it is needed.

What are the two types of alternators?

From this standpoint, there are two types of alternators: the revolving armature type and the revolving field type. The revolving armature alternator is similar in construction to the dc generator, in that the armature rotates through a stationary magnetic field.

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Do alternators make AC or DC?

Car batteries operate on one-way direct current (DC) electricity, while alternators output alternating current (AC) electricity, which occasionally flows in reverse.

How much power does an alternator need to run?

It needs to have about 2 or 3A flowing through it, for which a current-limited PSU module performs the task admirably. Having to use that power makes the motor a bit less efficient than a permanent magnet one, but the cost of a scrap alternator is hard to beat.

How much power does an electric motor need to run?

Most electric motors are designed to run at 50\% to 100\% of rated load. Maximum efficiency is usually near 75\% of rated load. Thus, a 10-horsepower (hp) motor has an acceptable load range of 5 to 10 hp; peak efficiency is at 7.5 hp. A motor ’s efficiency tends to decrease dramatically below about 50\% load.

Can an alternator drive a motor from a 48V supply?

Usually a wire link needs to be made to enable this, consult the instructions for your controller. We’ve found that an alternator drives well as a motor from a 36V or a 48V supply, and as long as a controller with enough power is used then they do so reliably.

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How does an ESC work with an alternator?

They take a battery DC supply and produce a three-phase AC suitable to drive a delta-connected motor, and they work well with converted alternators. ESCs have two modes, one for motors with Hall-effect feedback sensors, and one for motors without such as our alternator.