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Can a Muslim woman marry a non-Muslim?

Can a Muslim woman marry a non-Muslim?

A mushrikah is an idol-worshipping woman who worships stones, whether from among the Arabs or others. It is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim from any other religion, whether from among the Jews or Christians, or any other kaafir religion. It is not permissible for her to marry a Jew, a Christian, a Magian,…

What happens if a person rejects Islam after knowing it?

If a person rejects Islam after knowing Islam and fully understanding its truth he will be asked about it by God. Otherwise he will be judged according to his own religion or his understanding of right and wrong. Related Questions Does Islam teach hatred for Non-Muslims?

Is interfaith marriage a viable option for Muslim women?

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There are not enough Muslim men out there, and interfaith marriage is one of the few viable options, and most women rule out the idea of marrying someone from their home country as it does not work out culturally. Today, nearly 40\% of Muslim women marry outside of their faith and most of them without conversion.

Does God decide who goes to Heaven in Islam?

The short answer is ‘No’. In Islam the decision of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell is left entirely to God as He alone knows people’s hearts and is aware of their deeds. What Islam claims is that it is the perfect religion for mankind and a religion for all time and all people.

According to traditional Islamic view, Muslim woman is now allowed to marry to a non-Muslim man and her marriage is not valid unless her husband convert to Islam.

Is it wrong to marry an agnostic Muslim?

Under Islamic law there is absolutely nothing wrong with marrying an agnostic, though a Muslim is not permitted to marry an atheist. Far too many people answering here do not seem to understand the difference between agnosticism and atheism. People who are atheists do not believe that a god (or gods) in ANY form exist(s).

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Can a Muslim man marry a Muslim woman?

The answer is no, since Muslim men can marry a Christian or a Jew, but a Muslim woman can’t marry anyone else except a Muslim. Does that mean that Muslim-Atheist marriages don’t happen?

Is it haram to marry an agnostic?

Under Islamic law there is absolutely nothing wrong with marrying an agnostic, though a Muslim is not permitted to marry an atheist. Far too many people answering here do not seem to understand the difference between agnosticism and atheism. People who are atheists do not believe that a god (or gods) in ANY form exist (s).

What is the difference between an atheist and a Muslim?

The first thing to understand is that Muslims are atheists too. Muslims are atheists with respect to Buddhism. Muslims are atheists with respect to Hinduism. Muslims are atheist with respect to Christianity.