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Can a photon be deflected by an magnetic field?

Can a photon be deflected by an magnetic field?

Answer : Photon is a charge-less particle and hence it is deflected neither by an electric field nor by a magnetic field.

Can you bend photons?

Even Though photons don’t have mass, they carry energy with them. Yes we can,even we do but bending is not observable because of very little mass. indirectly gravity can do this ,large mass like blackhole bends light that passes through them.

Can photons be magnetized?

Unfortunately, photons are far more difficult to manipulate than electrons, which respond to forces as simple as the sort of magnetism that even children understand. Essentially, the researchers tricked the photons—which are intrinsically non-magnetic—into behaving like charged electrons.

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Do photons interact with electromagnetic fields?

22.2. Photons do not experience the electromagnetic force themselves, and so they do not interact with each other, but the effects of electromagnetism are produced by the energy and momentum they carry. The photons that carry force are known as ‘virtual’ particles.

Can a magnetic field affect a photon?

Although a magnetic field doesn’t affect the photons of light directly, a magnet can distort the medium through which light passes and thereby “bend” the light rays. A strong magnetic field can increase the effect of the mass of the object on the curvature of space-time.

Can you bend a magnetic field?

Magnetic field lines do not like to bend, so when the space around them becomes warped by large masses, the fields fight back. Magnetic field lines do not like to bend.

What if light could bend?

If light can bend, we’d be receiving light from all the objects around us and also objects that are not in straight sight. Which would be complicated for our brain to process. We’d be bombarded with information which we won’t be able to process. We might be blind, considering our brain would fail to process.

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What force can bend light?

As long as falling objects accelerate due to gravity, we have every reason to believe that gravity bends light, too.

Is there a photon field?

A photon is a tiny particle that comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation. As shown by Maxwell, photons are just electric fields traveling through space. Photons have no charge, no resting mass, and travel at the speed of light.

Does light bend electromagnetism?

yes, as light is electromagnetic wave therefore it can be deviated from its straight path by applying highly non uniform magnetic field.

How do photons carry magnetic force?

Charged particles interact by emitting and absorbing photons. Photons do not experience the electromagnetic force themselves and so they do not interact with each other, but the effects of electromagnetism are produced by the energy and momentum they carry. The photons that carry force are known as ‘virtual’ particles.