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Can a TARDIS land in another TARDIS?

Can a TARDIS land in another TARDIS?

Originally Answered: Is it possible to park a TARDIS inside another TARDIS? Yes, it’s called a Space loop . It happened once in The Time Monster , when the third Doctor materialized his TARDIS inside the Master’s TARDIS.

What happens if the TARDIS explodes?

What usually happens is the Eye of Harmony replica inside the TARDIS detonates itself at every point in time and space, erasing the universe. In a far future event the TARDIS explodes and the Eye of Harmony within it causes temporal energy to burn at every point in time and space simultaneously.

How many people are supposed to fly the TARDIS?

In the episode Journey’s End, the Doctor tells us that the TARDIS is designed for six pilots (hence the hexagonal console), and eight people are inside at the same time.

Can the TARDIS be destroyed?

As I’m sure many of you remember, the TARDIS was destroyed in The Pandorica Opens. The TARDIS shouldn’t be that easy to destroy, and yet the Silence were able to destroy it without even being inside it. Worse, they destroy it to such an incredible extent that it causes every moment in history to be destroyed.

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Is a TARDIS possible?

According to Science, Yes… Maybe. Doctor Who fans can rejoice! According to a paper published by a pair of Whovian physicists, the geometry of spacetime that the TARDIS maneuvers in might exist in our own universe, allowing for travel in all directions through space and time.

Can the TARDIS fly?

Even in the 2006 Christmas Special, the Doctor notes that, for a spaceship, the TARDIS does oddly very little flying. The TARDIS is designed to dematerialize at one point in space and time, travel through the Time Vortex, and re-materialize at another point in space and time neigh instantaneously.

Can Daleks destroy TARDIS?

Pedantically speaking, Daleks *don’t* have the power to destroy the TARDIS.