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Can Algerians speak English?

Can Algerians speak English?

Algeria is recognized as the second largest Francophone nation in regards to speakers. English is also taught in Algerian schools, and there have been calls to replace French in the education curriculum with English since the latter is the ‘language of science.

What language do Algerians talk?

Languages of Algeria. Arabic became the official national language of Algeria in 1990, and most Algerians speak one of several dialects of vernacular Arabic. These are generally similar to dialects spoken in adjacent areas of Morocco and Tunisia. Modern Standard Arabic is taught in schools.

Is Algeria a rich country?

The World Bank classifies Algeria as an upper-middle income nation. The country is heavily reliant on energy exports in natural gas and oil. However, it faces many economic challenges, including high unemployment for women and youth and inequality among its different regions.

What makes Algeria unique?

After Sudan broke up into Sudan and South Sudan in 2011, Algeria became the largest country in Africa, and the tenth largest in the whole world. 1) Almost 90 percent of this country is covered by the Sahara desert. So people inhabit only 12\% of the total land. 2) This country can get really hot!

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Do they speak French in Morocco?

The country’s official languages are Arabic and Amazigh, or Berber. Most people speak Moroccan Arabic – a mixture of Arabic and Amazigh infused with French and Spanish influences. Two out of three people fail to complete their studies at public universities in Morocco, mainly because they don’t speak French.

What language does Albania speak?

Albania/Official languages

What is banned in Algeria?

The Algerian government bans the import of firearms, explosives, narcotics, around 350 pharmaceutical products, some types of medical equipment, all types of used equipment, genetically modified seeds, and pork products. In these matters, Algeria adheres to the principle of precaution.

What race is Algeria?

Ethnic groups in Algeria

Ethnic groups of Algeria
Ethnic groups percent
Arabs and Berbers 98\%
European 2\%

How do Algerians greet each other?

Algerians put great emphasis on greetings and hospitality. Men shake hands with all other men they meet. Women shake hands with other women. In urban areas close female friends often air kiss in greeting.