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Can cops detect speed while moving?

Can cops detect speed while moving?

Yes, in two ways. Radar is capable of determining your speed, and the officer is trained and experienced enough to visually estimate your speed within a couple of mph. Each method will be used to verify the other.

Does a cop have to tell you how fast you were going?

Most officers will tell you how they measured your speed. It’s likely to be by pacing, LIDAR, or radar. Unless they have a department policy that requires this, they are not obligated to show you the readout on the radar or LIDAR device. Some will, some won’t.

Do cop cars have speed sensors?

Unlike police laser, police radar directly determines a vehicle’s speed by measuring the doppler (speed induced) shift of the return of its transmitted frequency (think of the sound you sometimes hear of an approaching or receding train or emergency vehicle).

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What to say if an officer asks how fast you were going?

This means when an officer asks you questions such as “do you know why I stopped you,” you should respond “no.” If the officer asks you “do you know how fast you were going,” you should simply answer “yes.” Officers are trained to let you incriminate yourself by letting you admit to violations or admit that you were …

How far can police speed cameras see?

How far away can speed cameras catch you from? Current speed camera technology allows detailed video and images of drivers to be taken from up to one kilometre away. Most cameras, however, use markings on the road to measure distance over time and determine your speed.

Can you get done for speeding without evidence?

Yes. However, on the vast majority of cases, there is no obligation upon the Police to disclose evidence until the case gets to Court. That said, if you persevere, you should be able to obtain same from the Police on a voluntary basis.

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Why do police ask why you were speeding?

But the fact is that it is a method of interrogating a person to see if they will admit that they were speeding. This is a comment that the police officer can and will include in his report to the judge regarding the traffic ticket that he issued to the civilian in question.

Can you speed if it’s an emergency?

Is it legal to speed due to a medical emergency, such as a loved one in labor? This actually has a very simple answer: No. Regardless of the situation, breaking traffic laws can result in the serious injury or death.

Can a police officer track the speed of a car?

An officer usually can track – through devices and sometimes certain training techniques – the speed, or pace an estimate. Yes, the speed measuring devices that are installed in their cars can be deployed from the front and the back. They can also be used while the police car is in motion.

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How accurate is Doppler radar on a police car?

If the patrol car is moving, the Doppler radar can accurately measure the speed of a vehicle if it is generally coming toward the patrol car only (but not going the same direction as the patrol car). The difference in calculated speed vs actual speed is always in favor of the violator.

How far behind a police officer should you be pacing?

Bumper pacing becomes more difficult the farther behind the officer is from your car. (The most accurate pace occurs where the officer is right behind you.) But patrol officers like to remain some distance behind a suspect to avoid alerting a driver who periodically glances at the rearview and side-view mirrors.

What does the speedometer reading of a police officer mean?

The officer’s speedometer reading, after all, means nothing if the officer is driving faster than you are in an attempt to catch up. To avoid this problem, officers are trained to “bumper pace” your car by keeping a constant distance between the patrol car’s front bumper and your rear bumper.