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Can foreigners join the French Foreign Legion?

Can foreigners join the French Foreign Legion?

Can a French join the Foreign Legion? Yes. A French can join the Foreign Legion. He is just going to change his nationality while he is hired to comply with the statutes of the legion.

Can you join French Foreign Legion with tourist visa?

Yes you can, have a ball – Just head to one of the recruitment centres and talk to the man on the gate he will decide on whether you pass through. Take your documents.

Is 30 too old to join the French Foreign Legion?

Most people who show up at a Foreign Legion recruiting station are between 18 and 25. With thirty, you are probably the oldest guy in your group of CEVs (candidates engagés volontaires) or recruit candidates. That the official age limit is 40, doesn’t matter.

How much does French Foreign Legion pay?

But how much do new members of the French Foreign Legion get paid? The starting salary for a new Legionnaire is 1,380 Euros per month.

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What is the maximum age to join the French Foreign Legion?

If you are 18 years of age or older, you are allowed to enlist in the French Foreign Legion on your own. The maximum age limit for joining the Foreign Legion is 39 years and 6 months.

Do you need a visa to join the French Foreign Legion?

So you will need to get a visa to France (or another Schengen country) on your own merits. There are various anecdotal claims on the Internet claiming that a) stating that you want to join the Foreign Legion is automatic grounds for visa rejection, and b) the Foreign Legion accepts even applicants who are in the country illegally.

Can you join the Foreign Legion if you are illegal?

There are various anecdotal claims on the Internet claiming that a) stating that you want to join the Foreign Legion is automatic grounds for visa rejection, and b) the Foreign Legion accepts even applicants who are in the country illegally. I can’t find any official reference either way, and both seem unlikely.

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What are the benefits of joining the French Legion?

During the whole period (from passing the passport to a legionnaire until your acceptance or rejection), free accommodation, free food, and free clothing are provided to you by the Legion. The candidates having passed all the tests are officially accepted or rejected every working Thursday afternoon.

What are the entry tests for the French Foreign Legion?

French Foreign Legion: Entry Tests. you will pass a medical visit. be sure you have healthy teeth ( or treated) maximum number of missing teeth between 4 and 6, depending on the value of the teeth. masticatory coefficient (to have quite healthy teeth) greater than or equal to 40\%.