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Can I boil methi seeds in coconut oil?

Can I boil methi seeds in coconut oil?

– Soak methi or fenugreek seeds in coconut oil in a glass jar and leave it out under the direct rays of the sun, everyday, for a week. – This oil when massaged into to your scalp thrice a week can prevent hair loss. Take a double boiler (a heat-proof dish placed over boiling water) and put in 500 ml of coconut oil.

Can I mix fenugreek with castor oil for hair?

Hair Growth Mixture Take a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of castor oil and fenugreek seeds, half cup of aloe vera gel, and 1 teaspoon of basil powder. Blend the mixture until you get a thick paste. Use of this hair mask can keep your scalp clean and reduce the onset of dandruff. Also, it can promote hair growth.

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Is methi and curry leaves good for hair?

Methi or fenugreek seeds are a rich source of protein and nicotinic acid, both of which can be beneficial for your hair growth. Curry leaves, on the other hand, are a rich source of beta-carotene and proteins that can reduce hair fall and boost hair growth.

What can I mix methi with for hair?

Soak 3 tablespoons of methi seeds in a mug of cold water overnight. The next morning, mash them to form a paste and combine this with 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply this mixture over your scalp, leave it for 45 minutes, then wash off with cold water.

Can we mix Onion juice with fenugreek seeds?

Fenugreek seeds with Onion juice have many benefits for the tress. Together they boost hair growth, regeneration of hair, stop greying of hair and add volume to the hair. Extract the juice of 1 onion and grind 2 teaspoons soaked fenugreek seeds. Blend them into a paste and apply on the hair evenly.

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How hibiscus leaves help in hair growth?

Simply grind about 3-4 Hibiscus leaves and one Hibiscus flower to make a paste. To this add about a cup of yogurt to make a smooth and consistent hair mask. Apply this mask on your hair and leave it on for an hour. Then, wash off the mask with lukewarm water and shampoo your hair using a mild cleanser.

How to use curry leaves powder for hair growth?

Add a teaspoon of curry leaves powder to the paste. Mix until it blends well. Apply it evenly through your scalp and hair length. Let it sit for an hour or so and then rinse it off with your regular shampoo and conditioner. For added cleansing and to keep flaky dandruff at bay, you can also add a few drops of lemon juice to the mask.

How to use curry leaves and methi for hair straightening?

Protein improves hair elasticity, thereby preventing breakage, and beta-carotene reduces hair loss. So, now that you know exactly what these ingredients can do, let’s get down to knowing how to use this curry leaves and methi hair-straightening mask. Soak methi in half a cup of water and let it sit overnight.

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Are methi seeds good for hair growth?

Fenugreek Seeds or Methi seeds! You may not like them, but those seeds are loaded with so, many benefits for your hair. Yes, they are! You may already aware about the fact that many people just swear by the fenugreek seeds for hair growth. Exactly! This is what this article is all about.