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Can Mexicans understand Castilian?

Can Mexicans understand Castilian?

The standard Spanish spoken in Mexico is mutually intelligible to any other Spanish speaker, although some, principally overly-starch-shirted speakers of Castilian Spanish, tend to look down their social noses at any speaker of Spanish who does not speak as they do. Yes we can understand each other just fine.

Does Mexico speak Castellano?

Mexico, the Caribbean, Philippines, Africa and the majority of Central America the language is known as Español (Spanish), whereas in most of South America it is known as Castellano (Castilian). 13\% percent of the US population over five years old speaks Spanish at home.

What is a Mexican accent called?

Chicano English, or Mexican-American English, is a dialect of American English spoken primarily by Mexican Americans (sometimes known as Chicanos), particularly in the Southwestern United States ranging from Texas to California, as well as in Chicago.

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Does duolingo do Castilian Spanish?

They have a seven part official course that uses Castillian Spanish. But keep doing Duolingo. Switching between the programs will keep things fresh and the overlap will reinforce what you learn without being repetitive. It’s been Latin American Spanish from day 1.

Are Spanish and Castilian the same?

In Latin American countries, the Spanish language is simply called español (Spanish) as that is from where the language was brought. In Spain, however, the Spanish language is called castellano (Castilian), which refers the Castile province in central Spain where the language is said to have originated.

Is Castilian the same as Mexican Spanish?

One of the most noticeable differences between the two dialects is how they each pronounce Z, S, and C (followed by E or I). In Latin American Spanish, these are pronounced /s/, like the “s” in sound. Castilian Spanish favors a “th” sound here instead of the “s” sound.

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Why does Castilian Spanish have a lisp?

Castilian Spanish of the Middle Ages had originally two distinct sounds for what we now think of as the “lisp”: the cedilla, and the z as in “dezir”. The cedilla made a “ts” sound and the “z” a “dz” sound. Both in time were simplified into the “lisp”, or what Spaniards call the “ceceo”.

What is the coolest Spanish accent?

In general discussion, ‘best’ usually means an accent that is clearly spoken, with proper annunciation, and easily understood across the Spanish-speaking world. Some people claim that for these reasons Colombia has the best Spanish accent. Others say that Peru and Ecuador have the best Spanish accent.

What was Mexico called by the Spanish?

México is the predominant Spanish spelling variant used throughout Latin America, and universally used in Mexican Spanish, whereas Méjico is used infrequently in Spain and Argentina.

What is the evolution of the Spanish spoken in Mexico?

Regarding the evolution of the Spanish spoken in Mexico, the Swedish linguist Bertil Malmberg points out that in Central Mexican Spanish—unlike most varieties in the other Spanish-speaking countries—the vowels lose strength, while consonants are fully pronounced.

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What are some Spanish words that are considered archaic in Mexico?

Mexican Spanish retains a number of words that are considered archaic in Spain. Also, there are a number of words widely used in Mexico which have Nahuatl, Mayan or other native origins, in particular names for flora, fauna and toponyms.

What influenced the intonation of the Spanish language?

For example, the intonation of some varieties of Mexican Spanish is said to be influenced by that of indigenous languages, including some which are tone languages (e.g. Zapotec ).

Do the Appalachian Mountains have an Elizabethan-era English accent?

Various claims about the accents of the Appalachian Mountains, the Outer Banks, the Tidewater region and Virginia’s Tangier Island sounding like an uncorrupted Elizabethan-era English accent have been busted as myths by linguists.