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Can my cat get fleas from going on a walk?

Can my cat get fleas from going on a walk?

Thomas: The thing about fleas is that they can live anywhere, and by taking her outside, she will be exposed to them even if you only walk her when no other animals are around. And it’s a good thing, too, because even though all the pets were supposed to be protected, there were still fleas in the building.

Is it OK to walk a cat on a leash?

Although RSPCA policy is that a leash and harness may be used to walk cats outside the owner’s property under direct supervision and despite some owners successfully training their cat to walk on a leash, in general the RSPCA does not recommend it.

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Can cats get fleas on a deck?

If you discover fleas on your indoor cat, you’re probably wondering just how they got there. As these flea-infested creatures move around your yard or deck, they can drop flea eggs into the environment.

Do cats need flea treatment if they don’t go outside?

If my cat never goes outside, do I even need to worry about them? The short answers are No, Yes and Yes. Fleas and ticks are certainly annoying, and if your indoor cat has them, their human family may also be affected. But fleas and ticks can also carry diseases and parasites, so you don’t want to be caught unprepared.

Why do cats put their butt in your face?

Believe it or not, sometimes cats stick their butts in your face to show you just how much they love you! This stems from biological instincts, according to Dr. Sievert. “When your cat receives lot of attention from you, it’s the natural way of asking for more,” she said.

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Do cats need tick prevention?

“Ticks and mosquitoes are dangerous to the health of people as well as pets,” says Dr. Jill Lopez, a veterinarian with Merck Animal Health. “For that reason, flea and tick protection is essential for all dogs and cats that live with you.”

Can ticks on cats transfer to humans?

Ticks are unpleasant parasites that may affect your cat –and if your cat is bitten, the tick may even pose a risk to people in your household. Ticks can also carry diseases. The bacterial infections including Lyme disease can be carried by ticks and passed to cats and even people, if they get a chance to bite.

Do cats need tick treatment?

Ticks carry a number of diseases. Lyme Disease is the best-known but there are many others. Cats are thankfully resistant to Lyme Disease but we aren’t. So if your cat has any outdoor exposure such as sunning in the backyard on weekends or if you have a dog, tick prevention should be administered year-round.

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Does my cat need tick protection?