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Can we change our fate Quora?

Can we change our fate Quora?

Originally Answered: Can one change their own fate? No, by definition, fate is sealed and cannot be changed.

What is fate of life?

Fate is described as a natural order in the occurrence that is inevitable, it can’t be changed no matter how hard we try. Fate is what happens when we don’t put in the effort to change and evolve. We let other people decide what happens in our life. Destiny, on the other hand, is a choice.

How long is life and fate?

The novel is long, 871 pages in the Harvill edition, with a huge cast of characters that makes for a formidable challenge.

Is fate pre-destined and nothing can be changed?

People often believe that fate is pre-destined and nothing can be changed, but is this really true? “Your destiny is shaped according to the combination of conditions pre-determined at birth and other factors that you are able to change through your own efforts.”

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Does fate influence our decisions?

Some would argue fate using a cause and effect theory and saying that certain elements such as the environment or the actions of others can influence our actions and decisions. This is true BUT only to a certain extent. For this to be absolute, it would only apply to an environment strictly and only LIMITED with physical laws.

What shapes our fate or destiny?

The most important factor that shapes our fate or destiny is, in fact, the decisions that we make at the turning points in our lives. Our life as it is now is created by the results of the choices we ourselves made according to the tendencies of our own mind, each time we encountered a specific event.

Do you think fate takes you on the right path?

Fate can take you either way. Fate Is YOU. YOU Choose IT. YOU CHOOSE YOUR FATE. Fate is YOU. You chose your own path. You think that fate is controlling your path that you chose the wrong path but really your choosing your fate. God loves us so HE has chosen to give you free will of your FATE.