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Can you be a lazy programmer?

Can you be a lazy programmer?

Lazy programmers are good programmers. They don’t do more work than absolutely necessary. Lazy programmers abhor redundancy. They go out of their way to reduce the amount of code they write, because they know that the more code that exists, the more likely it is to cause them future work.

What is efficient laziness?

Laziness almost always comes with (sometimes clever) thought and explanation. Efficiency is when you know that the result of your actions will be good enough, and you consciously decide not to invest more effort for increases quality, for the input-output ratio would not be satisfying.

Are lazy people innovative?

Some of the greatest innovations were developed by people who were too lazy to do a particular task. Laziness drives innovations that improve productivity. It comes from saying, “There must be a better way.”

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How can I maximize my laziness?

How to overcome laziness

  1. Make your goals manageable. Setting unrealistic goals and taking on too much can lead to burnout.
  2. Don’t expect yourself to be perfect.
  3. Use positive instead of negative self-talk.
  4. Create a plan of action.
  5. Use your strengths.
  6. Recognize your accomplishments along the way.
  7. Ask for help.
  8. Avoid distraction.

How do lazy programmers stay lazy?

A lazy programmer will find tools that help him stay lazy instead of creating a tool himself, preferring to take advantage of the efforts of the open source community. If there is an existing solution that has already been tested and proven, this programmer will find it—and once again, his laziness has actually streamlined productivity.

Can being dumb make you a better programmer?

Being dumb—or at least trying not to be so clever—can help you remain humble and open to your colleagues’ advice. You may want to rethink these so-called flaws. Being lazy and acting dumb can actually make you a better, more productive, constantly improving programmer.

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What are the advantages of lazy evaluation in programming?

Testing the existence of x prevents crashing. In more elaborate examples, lazy evaluation saves endless amounts of calculation that will be thrown away by looking ahead to see when the computation tree can be pruned. If the quick test is the first one executed, it can save a bazillion cycles later.

Do “lazy” programmers get rid of drudgery?

But Lenssen asserts that in the process of eliminating those unnecessary steps, the “lazy” programmer also is getting rid of future drudgery. If this programmer has to do something more than once, he will consider automating it, thus speeding up and improving the process.