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Can you get rid of social anxiety?

Can you get rid of social anxiety?

While it may seem impossible to overcome a feared social situation, you can do it by taking it one small step at a time. The key is to start with a situation that you can handle and gradually work your way up to more challenging situations, building your confidence and coping skills as you move up the “anxiety ladder.”

How long does it take to cure social anxiety?

You’ll have to wait for it to take effect — 2 to 6 weeks is a good guideline. And it might take a while to figure out side effects and find the right fit. Some people are able to wean off medication after a few months, and others need to stay on it if their symptoms start to come back.

How can I stop social anxiety?

These 9 strategies offer a place to begin.

  1. Talk with a therapist.
  2. Explore specific situations that trigger anxiety.
  3. Challenge negative thoughts.
  4. Take small steps.
  5. Role-play with people you trust.
  6. Try relaxation techniques.
  7. Practice acts of kindness.
  8. Limit alcohol.
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Is it bad to have social anxiety?

Left untreated, social anxiety disorder can control your life. Anxieties can interfere with work, school, relationships or enjoyment of life. This disorder can cause: Low self-esteem.

What is the best cure for social anxiety?

The good news is there are a variety of treatment options available for social anxiety, including therapy and/or medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT, is one of the most effective ways to cure social anxiety.

Is it really possible to overcome social anxiety?

Overcoming Social Anxiety is a Process. There are no quick fix for social anxiety. Much of it involves slowly breaking down each individual fear, and challenging negative thoughts again and again. Essentially, it is like retraining the brain; and that can take time.

How do you reduce social anxiety?

Tune in to your breath. Hear the air entering your nose.

  • Notice your surroundings,but don’t get stuck to any image,person,or sound. If you happen to spot a person who makes you anxious,don’t keep your attention there.
  • Experience this as a symphony,with no single sound or site becoming prominent.
  • Merely observe.
  • Repeat.
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    How to improve on social anxiety?

    If social anxiety is masking your social ability, practice and exposure during SST can help improve your confidence and self-esteem and reduce your anxiety about social situations. For those with social anxiety disorder, SST is often used in combination with other treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or medication.