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Can you have multiple wives Mormon?

Can you have multiple wives Mormon?

The LDS Church publicly renounced the practice of polygamy in 1890, but it has never renounced polygamy as doctrine, as evidenced in LDS scriptures. It has always permitted and continues to permit men to be married in Mormon temples “for the eternities” to more than one wife.

How many husbands can a Mormon wife have?

Divorced or widowed men can be “sealed” (married for eternity in Latter-day Saint temples) to multiple wives, while such women generally can be sealed only to one husband.

How many wives can you have in the state of Utah?

Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time. This practice is illegal across the United States – Utah included – yet tens of thousands are still living in such communities and continue to fight for their rights to do so.

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How many wives can you legally have in America?

No state permits its citizens to enter into more than one concurrent, legally-licensed marriage. People who attempt to, or are able to, secure a second marriage license are generally prosecuted for bigamy. The terms “bigamy” and “polygamy” are sometimes confused or used interchangeably.

What religion allows multiple wives?

Today, various denominations of fundamentalist Mormonism continue to practice polygamy. The Latter-day Saints’ practice of polygamy has been controversial, both within Western society and the LDS Church itself.

Are the sister wives Mormon?

The Brown family belonged to the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB), a Mormon fundamentalist group. For years before the series, the family kept their polygamist lifestyle what they called a “quasi-secret”.

What is the punishment for polygamy in Utah?

But a polygamous marriage is still a felony if it was made by threats, fraud or force or involves abuse. Second-degree felonies can carry prison terms of up to 15 years. Barring other factors, polygamy is now an infraction, which can draw fines of up to $750 and community service.

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Which US states allow polygamy?

Polygamy among these groups persists today in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Canada, and some neighboring states, as well as up to 15,000 isolated individuals with no organized church affiliation.