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Can you pray sitting in the car?

Can you pray sitting in the car?

No, during Salah you have to be in a clean place, a car’s floors are dirty since people step on them while sitting down, many people can come sit on your car too. In Salah it is required to be in a clean place to pray.

Is it allowed to combine prayers?

3) Yes, according to vast majority of scholars and Imams, it is perfectly allowed for a traveler to combine Zuhr and `Asr, and Maghrib and `Isha. The same procedure applies to combining Maghrib and `Isha as well.

How do you pray when Travelling Islam?

Therefore, Almighty Allah has offered us convenience to pray Salah during the travelling. You can perform Salah while traveling by shortening the rakats from 4 to 2 of Dhuhr, Asr and Ishaa prayers, and you can also combine the dhuhr with Asr, and Maghreb with Isha.

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How did Prophet Muhammad sit?

The major Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) pertaining to eating are as follows: Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) would sit on the floor for eating and the place where He were to eat, He would spread a clean cloth before eating. This shows the element of humility in Islam.

What can I pray during pregnancy?

Lord, I thank You for this baby and I give my pregnancy to You, praying that throughout the whole time You will be there to comfort and encourage and strengthen each member of the family. I pray that You would place Your hand of blessing on this little human being that is being formed in my womb…

Can maghrib prayer be shortened?

There is no shortening of the Nafl, Maghrib or Fajr Salat.

Can I pray Asr with Zuhr?

Thus, if you are combining Zuhr and `Asr, you can first pray Zuhr at the time of Zuhr, and then advance `Asr by praying immediately, or if you wish you can defer praying Zuhr until the time of `Asr arrives, in which case, you will first pray Zuhr and then pray `Asr afterwards.

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Is salat obligatory upon every believer?

Salat is obligatory upon every believer. However, after the age of 40, one should have developed an increased sense of awareness [of the fact] that with the passing of each day, one’s life is decreasing.

What is Hadeeth for sitting and standing prayer?

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Sharh Muslim: What this means is that the prayer of one who sits brings half the reward of the prayer of one who stands, which means that it is valid but brings a lesser reward. This hadeeth is to be understood as referring to a naafil prayer offered sitting when one is able to stand.

How many rakat salah do Shi’ah offer at night?

Shi’ahs offer this as a one rakat salah at the end of salatul layl (the night prayer), which is an optional prayer according to some shi’ah scholars, and a wajib (obligatory) prayer according to others.

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What is the reward for offering Naafil prayer sitting down?

But if a person offers a naafil prayer sitting down because he is unable to stand, then the reward is not reduced, rather it will be the same as one who stands.