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Can you think of another example of a successful product that was invented by accident?

Can you think of another example of a successful product that was invented by accident?

Corn Flakes How it was created: The brothers accidentally left a pot of boiled grain on the stove for several days. The mixture turned moldy but the product that emerged was dry and thick. Through experimentation they eliminated the mold part and created corn flakes.

Did people laugh at Thomas Edison?

Many people laughed at him when he tried to make the electric lamp for years. But he just didn’t care about what people said. He just did it with a blazing spirit, and he did it!

What are some of the worst inventions?

Worst Inventions

  • Tamagotchis.
  • Leaded Gasoline.
  • Vibrating Ab Belt.
  • Spam E-mail.
  • Smell-o-Vision.
  • Smile Checks.
  • Microsoft Bob.
  • Vio.

How fads and trends help us in our life?

Fads and trends are not always a bad thing. They can be helpful in reaching goals, creating lasting relationships based on interest, and be fun and exciting. Think of it this way: one of your goals may be to rekindle friendships that have been put on the back burner because of work or a busy family life.

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Was Coca Cola an accidental invention?

The drink we call Coca Cola is invented, by accident, in a Georgia backyard. 1886: Trying to come up with a headache cure and general pain reliever, pharmacist John Pemberton invents the beverage that will become known to the world as Coca-Cola in a backyard kettle.

What was unusual about Thomas Alva Edison?

His ability to – was so. extraordinary that people often thought him to be crazy and made fun of him. He went on to make a. score of inventions such as phonograph , super storage battery, movie projector to name a few.

Who was Thomas Alva Edison answer?

Thomas Edison, in full Thomas Alva Edison, (born February 11, 1847, Milan, Ohio, U.S.—died October 18, 1931, West Orange, New Jersey), American inventor who, singly or jointly, held a world-record 1,093 patents. In addition, he created the world’s first industrial research laboratory.

What invention does more harm than good?

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Originally Answered: What one invention has caused more harm than good? Dynamite. It’s creator was so disturbed by the ‘misuse’ and damage it had caused that he formed a committee of people to give away the profits to those individuals who had made the most positive impact on mankind in the past year.