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Can your employer see where you are working from?

Can your employer see where you are working from?

As a general rule, if you’re using your employer’s equipment while on your employer’s network, your employer has the right to monitor everything you do, whether you’re working remotely or in the workplace. Because your employer is providing the communications technology, they have the right to track your activities.

Can employers talk about employees?

With few exceptions, employers shouldn’t engage in discussions about other employees or disclosures concerning employees with their coworkers.

Is the Motley Fool a good place to work?

The majority of employees at The Motley Fool believe the environment at The Motley Fool is positive. Overall, the 10 The Motley Fool employees give their leadership a grade of A+, or Top 5\% of similar size companies on Comparably. This includes specific ratings of their executive team, CEO, and manager.

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Do employers count as employees?

Usually, a worker can be counted as an “employee” if s/he has worked for the employer for at least twenty calendar weeks (in this year or last). That means some part-time workers can be covered as employees to show the employer is covered by the laws we enforce.

Can an employer monitor your personal cell phone?

Personal Phones: Employers generally cannot monitor or obtain texts and voicemails on an employee’s personal cell phone. Employer Computers- Again, if the employer owns the computers and runs the network, the employer is generally entitled to look at whatever it wants on the system, including emails.

Can a supervisor follow you to the bathroom?

Can Employees Monitor Bathroom Usage? Legally speaking, employers must pay workers for breaks shorter than 20 minutes, according to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Employers can’t enforce unreasonable restrictions on use. Employees can’t take an excessive amount of time in the bathroom.

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Can your boss record your conversations?

Generally, employers are not allowed to listen to or record conversations of their employees without the consent of the parties involved. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) allows employers to listen in on business calls, but are not allowed to record or listen to private conversations.

What happens when you trick an employee into another job?

Unhappy, tricked employees will continue to look for another job even if they accept your job and they will leave as soon as they find a better job where they are treated honestly and with respect. This practice just means the company needs to keep tricking more and more applicants into working for them… strange employment philosophy indeed.

Should you ever trick an unhappy employee into accepting a job?

Logically one would think that makes no sense because an unhappy employee is not going to work as well for you as a happy employee. Unhappy, tricked employees will continue to look for another job even if they accept your job and they will leave as soon as they find a better job where they are treated honestly and with respect.

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Can hiring alone fix a failing company or broken corporate culture?

Unfortunately, hiring alone can’t fix a failing company or a broken corporate culture. Before you know it, the company is making excuses why they won’t deliver on those promises – and may even try to make you feel bad for asking. As if it was your fault!? Sound familiar?

Why do some employees mess with the Code of their computer?

Some employees go to such extent and mess with the code of the software that tracks computer activity itself. If they have a bit more knowledge, they can find the source and tailor it so that it can’t monitor some of their activities. Now I’m not saying that this is super easy and that most employees do it.