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Could a ww2 tank damage a modern tank?

Could a ww2 tank damage a modern tank?

Probably any medium or heavy WWII tank can destroy M1 Abrams – If you drop it from 40,000ft directly onto Abrams turret.

How hard is it to destroy a M1 Abrams?

The M1A2 Abrams main battle tank is arguably the best in the world. Yeah, Russia is generating some hype for the Armata family of tanks, but the Abrams is combat-proven and very hard to kill. The third T-72, at a range of roughly 400 yards, fired a round, which left a groove in the armor of the Abrams.

What if the M1 Abrams was in ww2?

The M1A2 Abrams main battle tank would probably be as close to invulnerable as anything ever employed in warfare. The only reasonable option for destroying one with 1944 equipment would be swarming it with infantry and trying to get a grenade inside. Back in World War II, your armor was a millimeter of cloth.

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What is the weakest tank in the world?

Bob Semple tank

Bob Semple tank
Mass 25.4 t (25.0 long tons)
Length 4.20 m (13 ft 9 in)
Width 3.30 m (10 ft 10 in)
Height 3.65 m (12 ft 0 in)

Can a tiger 1 take down an Abrams from the front?

A Tiger 1 Panzer VI Heavy tank cannot take an Abrams from the front at any distance,as it will need atleast 5–6 shots to penetrate the hull and between 7–9 shots to penetrate the turret, all shots must be fired in the same spot. An M1A2 Sep 3 can be taken out by the Tiger 1 from the rear, sides or roof much faster.

Could the Tiger II have beaten the modern day MBT?

Back on topic, Tiger II vs any of todays MBTs, minimal chance of winning, it would need the best of luck, skill and probably total surprise and a side or rear shot. If we go one or two generations backwards however it probably gets a bit better.

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What is the equivalent of the Tiger II’s 88mm L/56?

But the 88mm KwK 36 (L/56) could pierce approximately 100mm of homogenious steel, modern MBTs have armour equivalents of 900 to 1000mm against kinetic projectiles. The Pzkpfw Tiger II was a outstanding tank in WWII.

Could a M1A2 survive an SS Tank Battalion?

The side armour of M1A2 is max 70mm including side panels, PzGr at even further than 4000 meters still has ~117 mm of penetration which is more than enough to go through the side skirt and hull armour. Could a M1 Abrams be able to survive an entire SS tank battalion (given enough ammo) if it were taken back in time?