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Could Ant-Man have killed Thanos?

Could Ant-Man have killed Thanos?

episode 3 supports the fan theory that states that Ant-Man could have killed Thanos in Avengers: Endgame by entering his body and blowing him up from the inside. There are only very few ways to defeat a character as powerful as Thanos, as even the most powerful Iron Man armors are barely able to contain him.

How big can ant-man go?

The movie reveals that Ant-Man can actually grow 60 feet tall too, into a super-strong hero appropriately called Giant Man.

Why is Ant-Man just a head?

After Hank Pym becomes infected with the virus in the Quantum Realm, he returns to the regular world and immediately attacks Lang. However, Vision later uses the Mind Stone to save Lang. Unfortunately, all that’s left is his disembodied head.

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Will Ant-Man shrink Infinity Gauntlet?

Ofcourse Yes. But not because of the Pym particles that Shrinks Ant-man to the size of an Ant, but because of the Gauntlet itself. In the Comics, the Gauntlet adapts itself to the size of the hand of its wearer. Much like the one Ring from LOTR trilogy which can expand and retract to size of the one who wears it.

Can Thanos beat giant man?

Stepping on Thanos would not be enough for Giant-Man to kill him. MCU Thanos can easily survived getting stepped on by MCU Giant-Man. He has taken attacks from far more powerful beings and survived using the power of the Infinity Stones multiple times. Thanos would have survived.

Can Ant Man beat Hulk?

The Hulk would beat Ant-Man, but Hank Pym (and maybe Scott Lang) could defeat the Hulk. The Hulk’s strength is borderline immeasurable and can recover from almost any injury. The Hulk has gone toe to toe with the Sentry, who is pretty much an insane scientist with the powers of Superman.

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Did Ant-Man kill Thanos by expanding inside his butt?

The Avengers: Endgame theory that Ant-Man kills Thanos by expanding inside his butt, explained. But renewed hype in the weeks before Avengers: Endgame have stirred up this theory turned meme. Subreddit r/dankmemes began to share memes about Ant-Man crawling up Thanos’s butt, some with fake screenshots of the Russo Brothers weighing in.

Can Ant-Man crawl up Thanos’ ears?

It was a post about Ant-Man crawling into Thanos’ ear that the realization that Ant-Man would have to crawl into a more intimate part of Thanos’ anatomy sprung forth. Reddit user Rayhann specified “the one where you crawl up his ass and deeply violate his being.” Yup, but more like he becomes soup and oozes out of Thanos’ ear…

What is the Ant-Man/Thanos theory?

The Ant-Man/Thanos/Entry theory (playfully referred to as the ‘Thanus’ theory) was one of the most memorable bits of fan speculation in the wake of Avengers: Infinity War. With Thanos seeming almost impossible to physically wound, fans reasoned, the only way to successfully overwhelm his superior physiology would be to avoid it entirely.

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Is Thanos’ purple derrière related to Ant-Man?

Most recently, Brolin shared an explicit photo of Thanos on his Instagram. It’s a full nude from the back, with Thanos’ purple derrière on full display. Though it could easily be a tribute to how thicc Thanos’ ass is, Brolin made it clear that the Mad Titan’s voluptuous behind has something to do with Ant-Man.