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Could humans and vampires coexist?

Could humans and vampires coexist?

Researchers concluded that living with vampires would lead to great imbalances in the ecosystems. The researchers concluded that living with vampires would “lead to great imbalances in the ecosystems”. …

How Long Can vampires go without blood?

However it appears that desiccation has no real consequence beyond incapacitating them as even ordinary vampires can survive indefinitely without a fresh supply of blood.

How many liters of blood does a vampire need?

Do some math and it turns out that a vampire-bat-person would need to drink 55 liters of blood per day. That’s basically enough blood to drain all the members of Nickelback twice. It would come out to 4,015 people a year. Either way you look at it, we sure are glad vampires aren’t real.

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How long would it take to become a vampire?

It takes about a month to turn into a vampire. It does not hurt unless you spend 2+ hours in the sun. The sun gives you headaches and can make you pass out. The only way that doesn’t happen is if you are a daywalker.

How many years can a vampire live?

Vampires are fictional, and thus, they live as long as their creators say they do. It varies by writer. You become one however the creator decides you do. Generally, but not always, by drinking a vampire’s blood.

Can vampires be vegan?

Being a vegetarian is very uncommon among vampires because animal blood is less appetizing than human, and the majority consider it somewhat unusual; the only two covens consistently showing this diet are the Olympic and Denali covens.

How much blood does a vampire bat drink per day?

Vampire bats require about 20 grams (about 2 tablespoons) of blood per day, and they cannot survive more than two or three days without a meal.

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Would a vampire survive in space?

Vampires still need air to breathe which is why when Stefan was trapped in the water he was constantly dying and healing. So yes they would be able to survive in space but they wouldn’t be able to function.

Why are vampires afraid of garlic?

In Interviews with Monster Girls, it’s explained that vampires dislike garlic because they have heightened senses, including smell. This makes garlic’s strong smell affect them even more. However, preferences vary for each person, and the lead vampire Hikari loves the smell.

What is the ratio of vampire to human population in cities?

I have always assumed that for an urban region (including the suburbs) the ratio between vampire and human population was about 1:10k and 1:50k for the biggest, capital cities. The rural region would yield a bigger ratio, about 1:5k-10k.

How many souls does it take to sustain a vampire descent?

Vampire: Dark Ages claim that a city with 5k souls can sustain a descent cast for vampire, however, a number of them would be forced to hunt in nearby villages and settlements.

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How many vampires can a city handle?

In cities that do not slavishly heed the Masquerade, such as those under Sabbat control, the ratio may soar to two or three times the acceptable level. You are too optimistic compared to books. Vampire: The Masquerade always have been managing 1 vampire every 100k inhabitants, considered a safe number to keep the masquerade.

How many vampires are there in Las Vegas?

About two dozen vampires claim permanent residence within the city, but several pass through, seeking easy prey and staying only for a couple of nights. To give more context: currently Las Vegas has a population only in the 600 thousands, which would suggest just 6 vampires if you’re going by the noted blanket rules.