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Could the battleship Bismarck be raised?

Could the battleship Bismarck be raised?

If raising dreadnaughts was possible in the 1920s and 30s, certainly the Bismarck could be raised-probably much easier. But it would be very costly and as a war grave illegal and immoral.

How much would it cost to raise the Bismarck?

Answer to: What would it cost to lift the battleship Bismarck? It’s calculated that lifting Monitor Ironclad would cost over $20 million, extrapolate that with size and depth.

How many ships did it take to sink the Bismarck?

“You must sink the Bismarck.” Sixteen British warships joined the chase. The British Admiralty ordered them to hunt the Bismarck down, even if they risked running out of fuel. Finally, three of them cornered their enemy 300 miles off the Irish coast.

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How big was the Bismarck compared to other ships?

Bismarck and her sister ship Tirpitz were 821 feet long and displaced up to fifty thousand tons, making them up to fifty percent larger than the largest German World War I battleships, the Bayern class.

How many survivors did the Bismarck have?

115 survived
Of the Bismarck’s 2,200-man crew, only 115 survived. British ships picked up 110 survivors but left with hundreds of German sailors still in the icy waters after spotting what might have been a U-boat. German vessels later picked up only five more survivors.

Have they ever found the Bismarck?

The Bismarck was found by Dr Robert D. A second expedition was staged in late May 1989, and on 8 June, 1989, after covering hundreds of square miles of ocean sea floor Dr Robert Ballard and his team finally found the wreck, some 600 miles west of Brest at a depth of 4.790 meters (15.700 feet).

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Did any of the Bismarck’s crew survive?

By mid-morning, the pride of the German navy had become a floating wreck with numerous fires aboard, unable to steer and with her guns almost useless because she was listing badly to port. Soon, the command went out to scuttle the ship, and the Bismarck quickly sank. Of a 2,221-man crew, only 115 survived.

How many ships did it take to sink Bismarck?

The Royal Navy was assembling a large force to sink it, and indeed had ordered every ship in the area to join in the search to find it. The much larger Royal Navy was able to assemble a force of six battleships and battlecruisers, two aircraft carriers, thirteen cruisers, and twenty-one destroyers to hunt Bismarck.

What was the German battleship Bismarck?

The German battleship Bismarck was the the pride of the Kriegsmarine, Nazi Germany’s naval service. Construction began in 1936, and the ship was commissioned in April 1940.

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What really happened to the Bismarck?

On May 23, 1941, the Battleship Bismarck was on a roll. The largest and most powerful ship in the German Navy, the mighty Bismarck had broken out into the Atlantic Ocean, sunk a Royal Navy battlecruiser, badly damaged a battleship and was poised to add its guns to a naval blockade that threatened to strangle Great Britain.

Did the Bismarck really sink the HMS Hood?

During the Battle of Denmark Strait the German Battleship Bismarck sunk the heavy battlecruiser HMS Hood within the first few opening rounds fired between the two ships. Though she was a formidable foe, the Bismarck was only credited with sinking one vessel, HMS Hood.